What is en caul birth?

What is en caul birth?

What is en caul birth?

An en caul birth is a rare event where the baby is still born in an intact amniotic sac. The sac swells at birth, leaving the baby inside the shell intact or partially broken.

What does it mean?

The amniotic sac is a thin, fluid-filled sac that surrounds the fetus during pregnancy. This helps protect the fetus from injury and helps regulate temperature so it can stay warm.

The baby sits inside this pouch, growing and developing as the pregnancy progresses. Usually, when you are about to give birth, your amniotic sac ruptures. Sometimes a woman may go into labor, but the sack will not burst, resulting in the baby being born in scales.

This is something that happens by chance. There is no guarantee that this will happen and it is not necessarily better or worse than standard shipping.

Importance of fetal position

Throughout pregnancy, the baby will move around in the womb. They usually move freely and try different positions. The older your child gets, the less room they have to move around. As your due date approaches, your baby will begin to prepare for the birth.

Your baby will descend into your uterus, preparing to descend into the birth canal for delivery. The birth canal is like an expandable tunnel. When you feel contractions during labor, your body stretches that space to let the baby through.

For delivery, your baby is ideally positioned upside down, facing the mother's back. Typically, your baby will naturally assume this position during the third trimester.

Why positioning matters for childbirth

Your doctor will check your baby's condition regularly. During the examination, the doctor will touch your abdomen with a hand. They may also do an ultrasound to check the baby's position.

The goal is always to make sure you and your baby are having a safe delivery. If the baby is in the wrong position for childbirth, this complicates the process. However, there are a few things you and your doctor can try to change about your child's condition:

  • External cephalic version. This procedure involves two medical professionals, one of whom lifts the baby's buttocks and the other puts pressure on the mother's abdomen towards the uterus to help turn the baby's head forward or down or back.
  • Changing your position. Sometimes you can encourage your child to change positions by changing positions. You can do this by getting on your hands and knees and rocking back and forth, or by throwing your hips into the air while lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Stimulating sounds. While in the womb, your baby can hear music, see light changes through your skin, and hear your voice when you speak. Try placing the headphones on a specific part of your abdomen to see if you can get your child interested in moving in that direction. You can put a cool washcloth on part of your stomach to see if your baby will move back and lower his head.

While none of these methods are guaranteed to work, they are worth trying. Most babies find the correct birth position on their own. But you can help them and yourself by staying as relaxed as possible and following your doctor's advice.

What happens after an En Caul Birth

If your baby was en caul, the doctor will carefully and gently open the bag. Water will begin to flow out of the bag, like from a balloon filled with water with a hole.

During and immediately after birth, your baby will have everything he needs. They have a lot of air inside the sac, and the umbilical cord attached to their navel is filled with oxygen-rich blood.

The subsequent process is very similar to a standard birth. Most vacuumed babies breathe and cry at birth. Other babies may be slightly dizzy and hold their first breath, especially if they experienced discomfort during labor.

Your doctor or midwife will be there to help your baby by taking him to a special greenhouse where he can check if he is all right.

The child will be released to you as soon as his breathing has stabilized. You can ask for skin-to-skin contact or wrap the baby in a warm blanket so you can hold him to start the bond. You will have a happy, healthy child who looks forward to meeting you. 

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