What are breathing techniques for labor?

What are breathing techniques for labor?

What are breathing techniques for labor?

Breathing techniques can help you stay calm and manage the pain of childbirth without medication. When you use certain breathing techniques, you also manage stress, which can lead to better birth outcomes.

Understanding breathing techniques during labor

For each stage of work there are different techniques. However, you should take a deep cleansing breath at the beginning and end of each contraction, regardless of the stage of your labor. Each deep breath helps your body relax and delivers more oxygen to your baby and uterus.

Breathing technique in the first stage of labor. At first, the contractions may be weak and sporadic. Once they get intense enough that you have to pause to get through them, it's time to apply your breathing techniques. Use slow breathing for as long as possible in this first step. Breathing tips for the first stage of labor include:

  • Take a deep breath when you feel a contraction coming to help you deal with the pain.
  • Exhale with a deep breath to consciously release the tension in the body.
  • Focus your attention only on deep, slow breaths.
  • Control your breathing by inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.
  • Momentary pause between each breath.
  • Switch your attention to a foreign part of the body, as the pain of contractions increases in an attempt to relax with each breath.

Breathing techniques in the active phase of labor. You may not know exactly when your body enters the second stage of labor. At some point, slow breathing won't work as well, and you may feel the need to breathe faster to deal with the pain. Breathing tips during active labor include:

  • Quickening your breath while still maintaining control of each inhale and exhale.
  • Keeping your breath shallow and fast in a consistent pattern.
  • Aiming for one breath in and out per second.
  • Inhaling quietly with an exhale that's slightly louder.
  • Mentally checking each area of your body to ensure you’re relaxed. ‌
  • Taking a single deep breath before and after each contraction.

You can practice the well-known "hee-hee-who" breathing technique. This breathing pattern uses several smaller breaths combined with one long exhalation. This technique can help you regain focus and overcome particularly difficult contractions.

It's time to push. Your breathing doesn't stop once it's time to start pushing. This can be the most difficult time to control your breathing as your doctor instructs you to push.

Try to focus your attention on one visual point. Bring something from home, such as a toy or a painting. If you didn't bring anything, choose something from a nearby wall or table. You can also focus on the mental image of your baby moving through the birth canal and leaving your body.

At this point, you are focusing on relaxing the perineum where the baby comes out. Any stress can lead to an increase in the pressing time or a break. Use shallow breathing during the contraction to ease the pain. Breathe deeply between contractions to keep oxygen flowing to the baby and uterus.

Practicing breathing techniques during labor

Breathing techniques for work are like any other acquired skill. You must practice beforehand. The good news is that controlled breathing is easy to learn and can be very effective in treating labor pain.

Keep in mind that there is no "correct" way to breathe. During labor, listen to your body and do what you feel is right at the moment. Most importantly, your breathing should be controlled, not automatic.

Set aside time each day to practice controlled breathing before work. Read books on breathing, watch online videos, and practice different techniques. If it helps, choose an object to serve as a focus during practice. Plan to take this item with you to the hospital during delivery. 

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