Weight gain with multiplicity

Weight gain with multiplicity

Weight gain with multiplicity

You just found out that you have a multiple pregnancy. Whether you are ecstatic, shocked or stunned, you may have many questions at this moment. One question you may have is how much weight you can put on over the next few months.

Why is weight gain with multiples important?

Eating well and gaining the recommended weight is essential in any pregnancy, but it is especially important when carrying more than one child due to the increased risk of preterm birth and low body weight in multiple pregnancies.

Weight gain is especially significant between 20 and 24 weeks of pregnancy. If a mother of twins gains 10 kg at 24 weeks of pregnancy, she reduces the risk of preterm birth.

Early weight gain is also vital for the development of the placenta, which makes it easier for babies to get nutrients.

How much weight should I gain?

Weight gain depends on a number of factors, including height, body type, and pre-pregnancy weight. However, most women carrying twins are advised to gain 16-20 kg. Women carrying triplets are advised to gain 22-27 kg.

There is currently not enough information on quads and quintuples to offer recommendations. Because opinions differ, discuss your specific weight gain with your doctor, who will know your specific health care needs better.

How fast should I gain weight?

Women with twins gain only 1.5 to 2.7 kg during the first trimester and 700 grams per week in the second and third trimesters. If you are carrying triplets, you should expect to gain 700 grams per week throughout your pregnancy.

Again, since opinions differ, consult your doctor and inform him of your weight gain. 

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