Trichomoniasis during pregnancy

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection transmitted through skin contact during sexual intercourse. The infection is treatable and can be treated with antibiotics. Caused by the microscopic parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. This sexually transmitted infection is the most common curable infection in sexually active young women, which means it can be spread during pregnancy. This can affect a woman's pregnancy, increasing her chances of having a premature birth or that the baby will have a low birth weight. Although rare, the infection can be passed to the baby during childbirth.

What are the symptoms of trichomoniasis?

While most women have no symptoms of trichomoniasis, some possible symptoms include:

  • Itching or burning sensation in the genitals
  • Soreness or redness of the genitals
  • Burning sensation during urination
  • The unpleasant feeling during sexual intercourse
  • Change in vaginal discharge with a foul odor (color can be white, gray, yellow, or greenish)

Symptoms may come and go and may appear as early as 5 to 28 days after sexual contact. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. Call your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms while pregnant.

Can trichomoniasis cause other problems?

Yes, he can. Without proper treatment, a trichomoniasis infection can make you more susceptible to contracting or passing on other sexually transmitted infections such as HIV (the virus that causes AIDS). This is especially true if you have symptoms of trichomoniasis.

How is trichomoniasis transmitted?

Trichomoniasis is transmitted through skin contact during sexual intercourse, such as vaginal, anal, or oral sex. This means that a condom cannot fully protect a person, since the parasite can be found on areas of the skin that are not protected by a condom.

If you have an infection but no symptoms, you can still pass it on to your sexual partners or to your baby at birth.

Is there a risk of getting trichomoniasis during pregnancy?

You are more at risk of contracting trichomoniasis if you:

  • know that your partner is infected
  • have multiple sexual partners
  • have sex without condoms
  • have/had other sexually transmitted infections
  • have had a previous trichomoniasis infection.
  • Young, sexually active women under 25 years old have the highest rates of trichomoniasis infections.

If any of the above apply to you during pregnancy, talk to your doctor to discuss screening and prevention methods.

How can trichomoniasis affect my pregnancy?

If trichomoniasis is not treated during pregnancy, it can increase the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight. Both of these factors can affect a baby's development, overall health, and time spent in the hospital after birth.

It is also possible to transmit the infection to the baby during vaginal delivery. However, this is very rare and the infant will be treated with antibiotics to clear the infection. Other side effects are possible if the infection is not treated.

How is trichomoniasis diagnosed?

Trichomoniasis cannot be diagnosed based on symptoms alone. You will need a doctor's examination and laboratory tests to check for the presence of the parasite.

How is trichomoniasis treated during pregnancy?

Trichomoniasis is treated with a single large dose of antibiotics, usually metronidazole or tinidazole.

If both you and your partner test positive, it is recommended that you receive antibiotic treatment at the same time. This is important if you want to avoid passing it back and forth.

It is very important to get treated as soon as you know you have trichomoniasis or notice symptoms of an infection, especially during pregnancy. This may reduce the side effects (mentioned above) that can occur when contracting trichomoniasis during pregnancy.

How can I avoid passing the virus to my baby at birth?

To avoid passing the infection to your baby at birth, you should be screened during pregnancy if you are at risk for trichomoniasis. Then you need to undergo a course of treatment as soon as possible after a positive diagnosis. If the infection resolves before labor begins, the risk of transmission during labor no longer exists.

It should be kept in mind that although the infection is very common, it is rarely passed on to the baby at the time of birth and is usually easy to treat in infants.

Can trichomoniasis be prevented?

There are only two effective ways to prevent trichomoniasis. First, refrain from sexual contact of any kind. Second, being in a long-term monogamous relationship, such as being married to someone who is not infected. Extremely rarely, casual contact (not sexual contact) can transmit the parasite.

Because this sexually transmitted infection can be transmitted through skin contact and does not require the sharing of bodily fluids, condoms are not a reliable method of preventing infection. Proper and consistent use of condoms can only help reduce the risk of transmitting or contracting trichomoniasis. 

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