Spotting during pregnancy

Spotting during pregnancy

Spotting during pregnancy

Is spotting normal during pregnancy?

Spotting during pregnancy is a common problem faced by many pregnant women. While it's easy to worry, don't panic. About 20% of women report spotting during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Bleeding that occurs early in pregnancy is usually lighter than the menstrual period. In addition, the color often ranges from pink to red and brown. Most women who experience spotting during pregnancy have a healthy pregnancy and delivery.

Spotting during pregnancy versus bleeding

Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is any discharge of blood from the vagina. This can happen any time from conception (when the egg is fertilized) until the end of the pregnancy.

Light bleeding or spotting during pregnancy is common, especially during the first trimester. Mottling is when you periodically notice a few drops of blood on your underwear, or if you wipe yourself with a tissue and see blood on paper. There shouldn't be enough blood to fill panty liners.

Bleeding is an increase in blood flow. In case of bleeding, you will need a pad or towel to keep the blood from soaking into your clothing. If you are bleeding or bleeding, it is best to contact your doctor and describe how you feel.

What causes spotting during pregnancy?

Implantation bleeding is a common cause of spotting in early pregnancy. Implantation bleeding occurs when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. This may cause several days of light bleeding or spotting. This blood spot occurs before a woman even knows she is pregnant and is often mistaken for waiting for her period. Bleeding that occurs after the day a woman is expecting her period is usually too late to be considered implantation bleeding and is more likely to be associated with early pregnancy in general.

Another common cause of spotting is a cervical polyp (a harmless growth on the cervix), which is more likely to bleed during pregnancy due to higher estrogen levels. This can happen due to an increase in the number of blood vessels in the tissues around the cervix during pregnancy. Therefore, contact with this area (for example, during intercourse or a pelvic exam) can cause bleeding.

Even in the absence of a cervical polyp, some things can cause spotting for a few days:

  • Sexual intercourse
  • Gynecological exam, such as a vaginal ultrasound
  • Heavy lifting/excessive exercise

When to worry about spotting during pregnancy?

Spotting or bleeding during pregnancy is not expected and may be abnormal, but is not always a cause for concern. However, it is important to contact your doctor to discuss the symptoms you are experiencing. The good news is that 50% of women who bleed during pregnancy had healthy pregnancies and had healthy babies.

Any spotting or bleeding during the second or third trimester should be reported to your doctor immediately. Spotting is slightly more common during the first trimester, but should also be reported to your doctor or midwife.

Call your obstetrician, especially if you notice heavy menstrual-like bleeding, to make sure the bleeding is not the result of pregnancy complications such as an ectopic pregnancy. Abnormal bleeding later in pregnancy can be more serious as it could signal a complication in you or your baby. Call your doctor as soon as possible if you experience bleeding during your second or third trimester. Your doctor will likely check for cervical polyps and make sure the cervix is ​​closed.

To help manage spotting during pregnancy and increase the chances of having a healthy pregnancy, your doctor may recommend that you do the following:

  • Bed rest or more sleep
  • More time off your feet
  • Stay well hydrated
  • Limit your physical activity
  • Raise your legs whenever possible
  • Avoid lifting items over 45 kg

Remember, the good news is that most women who have spotting during pregnancy have a normal pregnancy. However, don't let this fact stop you from seeing a doctor. It is important to discuss spotting and bleeding with your doctor. 

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