Safe exercise during multiple pregnancies

Safe exercise during multiple pregnancies

Safe exercise during multiple pregnancies

You have been told that you are expecting multiple pregnancies and that you will need to gain more weight, consume more calories, and possibly expect more significant pregnancy symptoms. So, how does multiple pregnancy affect your workouts? You must be aware of what is best for you and your children.

Is the exercise safe?

The answer to this question can be very confusing. The recommendation for a singleton pregnancy is 30 minutes or more of moderate exercise per day. Experts advise women with twins to refrain from aerobic exercise due to the high risk of potential problems.

It is best to discuss your desire to remain physically active with your health care provider. If you were physically active before you became pregnant, you will probably be advised to stay active for as long as your healthcare provider thinks it is safe to do so.

What exercises can I do?

Once you have received permission from your healthcare provider, you can start exercising. If you walked daily before pregnancy, chances are you will be able to continue doing so during the first half of your pregnancy.

Weight-bearing exercise is often recommended because it is better tolerated. Other exercises considered safe include cycling, arm exercises, and swimming.

Many women find the buoyancy in the pool soothing and enjoyable. Pregnancy yoga and Kegel exercises are also recommended.

What exercises should be avoided?

You should refrain from performing exercises that require lying on your back. Strength training and weight training should also be avoided. You should also refrain from any physical exercise if you have a fever or if it is hot and humid outside. Hot baths and saunas should also be avoided.

What are the warning signs that I need to stop exercising?

  • You feel like are having contractions
  • You feel pelvic pressure
  • You experience vaginal bleeding or discharge
  • You feel lightheaded
  • You experience swelling, especially in your feet
  • Make sure that you are communicating with your health care provider about your exercise routine throughout your pregnancy.

When should I reduce physical activity?

As long as you feel healthy and have no complications, most women who have been exercising regularly throughout their pregnancy can continue to do so for as long as they feel comfortable.

Some health care providers recommend that women reduce physical activity at 20 weeks (singleton pregnancies are reduced to 28 weeks).

Obviously, if complications occur that require partial or complete bed rest, such a reduction will occur even earlier. 

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