Pseudocyesis - False pregnancy

Pseudocyesis - False pregnancy

Pseudocyesis - False pregnancy

Women's intuition is a funny thing. Most women know they are pregnant before they are mature enough to take the test; we know our body and when something has changed we can just feel it. There are times when even women's intuition does not work, and our body tells us that we are pregnant, when in fact we are not. This phenomenon is called pseudocyesis or false pregnancy.

What is pseudocyesis or false pregnancy?

Pseudocyesis is the medical term for a false pregnancy, or what some people call a phantom pregnancy. A false pregnancy is characterized by typical pregnancy symptoms, including weight gain, a growing belly, morning sickness, irritability, and back pain. all signs of pregnancy without a real baby.

Contrary to what many people think, false pregnancy affects not only women but also men. When a man suffers from a false pregnancy, it is commonly referred to as a sympathetic pregnancy.

This is more common when her significant other is pregnant and is dealing with the usual pains associated with pregnancy. The medical term for when men experience this is called Couvade.

What causes pseudocyesis?

Pseudocyesis is extremely rare in both men and women, which is why doctors are always trying to figure out the root cause of this condition. Some think it's physical, while others think it's psychological.

Some think the cause is trauma, either physical or mental, while others think it's a chemical imbalance.

Problems that can cause a false pregnancy or pseudocyesis include:

  • Miscarriage (usually more than one)
  • Infertility
  • Loss of a child
  • Mental breakdown

In addition, there are real physical causes, including ovarian tumors and a chemical imbalance in the brain that somehow “tricks” the body into thinking it is pregnant.

Of all the reasons listed above, the most common documented reason is simple - a woman wants to get pregnant so badly that she mentally convinces herself that she is pregnant. There are several reasons why she cannot conceive, including infertility or just menopause.

In fact, many women approaching menopause experience some form of depression that can lead to a false pregnancy.

When a woman has pseudocyesis, she develops in the same way as in a normal pregnancy; starting with things like morning sickness and frequent urination, then it progresses to swollen and painful breasts and eventually swollen belly and pregnancy. The only real difference is that there is no real baby, no birth, but maybe the feeling of giving birth.

There are also cases where it has been shown that patients suffering from this condition have also suffered from sexual abuse, poverty, or another type of emotional trauma. Making a pregnancy is how their brains deal with the experience.

Signs of pseudocyesis or false pregnancy

Most women who suffer from a false pregnancy actually believe they are pregnant because they experience the same pregnancy symptoms. The signs of a false pregnancy are the same as in a typical pregnancy.

Pseudocyesis or symptoms of false pregnancy:

  • missed periods
  • swollen belly
  • weight gain
  • frequent urination
  • changes in skin and hair
  • swollen breasts
  • sensations of fetal movement and contractions
  • morning sickness

In addition, just general anxiety is also a very common symptom. The only way to be sure they are not actually pregnant is to get tested and have a physical exam. It is important to remember that a false pregnancy is very different from a false pregnancy test.

Pseudocyesis or false pregnancy tests

Because pseudocyesis mimics every detail of a pregnancy, it's important for a doctor to make sure it's a fake pregnancy and not a real one. The same tests to confirm a true pregnancy are done to diagnose a false pregnancy.

These tests begin with a physical examination, including a gynecological exam, to determine if any type of conception has occurred. A urinalysis is then done to check the results. A urinalysis will usually be negative unless the woman has a condition such as a very rare cancer that releases the same hormones that are produced during pregnancy.

An ultrasound is another test that will determine if a pregnancy is true or false. This will show, in case of a false pregnancy, that there is no fetus, but in some severe cases, ultrasound can show softening of the cervix, as in a real pregnancy.

Ultrasound is the only test that will 100% refute or prove pregnancy.

How to treat false pregnancy or pseudocyesis

Pregnancy, real or fake, is an exciting time for a mom-to-be. For those who are actually pregnant, they take advantage of the 9 months they have to bond with their unborn child, prepare the nursery and prepare to become parents.

However, those who think and feel pregnant also experience the same excitement for the next 9 months and beyond. They can't wait to raise their child in their home - to see him bathe for the first time, take his first steps and grow up like a normal child.

Now she is about to find out that what she feels, what she is looking forward to, will not happen. It's all in his head. Now imagine that you are the bearer of this news and you are trying to heal it; knowing that she only had this pent-up excitement to crush him.

The treatment of a false pregnancy is very difficult because it is a delicate situation, it is not necessarily a medical problem, but rather a psychological one, when the symptoms can last from a few weeks to 9 months or even years.

After the doctor confirms that this is indeed a false pregnancy, he will conduct a psychological examination to make sure there is no underlying psychological or neurological disease. After that, they will provide psychological therapy and emotional support, as this is the only way to treat pseudocyesis. 

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