Oral sex and anal sex during pregnancy

Oral sex and anal sex during pregnancy

Oral sex and anal sex during pregnancy

Many people have questions about anal and oral sex. Are they safe? What are the risks? Is it possible to get pregnant or contract a sexually transmitted disease? Are any of them safe during pregnancy?

Even though the risk of pregnancy is not that great with anal or oral sex, STDs can still be passed from person to person. There are other serious risks, especially those associated with anal sex, especially during pregnancy.

Here you will find information about anal and oral sex, as well as answers to many frequently asked questions. You can then weigh the risks and determine your sexual limits.

If you want to know more about the safety of vaginal intercourse during pregnancy, check out our article here.

What is anal sex/intercourse?

The most common perception of anal sex is when a man inserts his penis into another person's anus, which is the main focus of this article. However, this may also include penetration of the anus with sex toys or fingers, or stimulation of the anus with the mouth or tongue. It is still considered anal sex if insertion occurs but no ejaculation or orgasm occurs.

There are two ways to talk about anal intercourse: receptive anal intercourse and insertive anal intercourse. "Receptive" refers to the person receiving the penetration, and "insert" refers to the person (male) providing the anus penetration. There are also heterosexual and homosexual anal sexs; here, since we are talking about pregnancy, we will be mainly interested in heterosexual anal sex(man with woman).

What is oral sex/intercourse?

Oral sex is when a partner touches their partner's genitals (vagina or penis) with their mouth to elicit a pleasurable reaction. It is still considered oral sex even if there is no ejaculation or orgasm.

Can sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) be contracted or transmitted through anal or oral sex?

Yes, you can still get or transmit STDs through anal and oral sex. Anal sex can cause tissue damage (tears in the lining of the anus or rectum) more easily than during vaginal sex because the anus is not meant to be inserted. As a result, the skin barrier that often protects against infections is destroyed, and sexually transmitted diseases more easily enter the body. This means that transmission or contraction of a sexually transmitted disease is more likely to occur during anal sex than during vaginal or oral sex.

Receptive anal sex causes a person to:

  • 13 times more likely to become infected with HIV than through insertive anal intercourse;
  • 17 times more likely to get HIV than through vaginal sex;
  • 2 times more likely to get HIV than those who share needles while using drugs.

Similarly, in the case of oral sex, if the person performing the act has cuts or sores in their mouth, it makes it easier to transmit or contract a STD, as the protective barrier is broken down. However, even without cuts and wounds, it is still possible to contract or contract a sexually transmitted disease. Some infections can specifically affect the mouth, lips, or throat through oral contact, such as herpes (HSV-1), chlamydia, and gonorrhea.

Do I and my partner need to use condoms and/or lubricant for anal or oral sex?

Since STDs can still be transmitted during anal and oral sex, it is recommended that you use physical protection, such as a condom, to protect yourself and your partner. Because the skin of the anus and rectum is thin, tear-prone, and poorly lubricated, it is also recommended that you use a water-based lubricant to protect these delicate areas from tissue damage. However, lubrication cannot completely prevent ruptures or injury. Lubricant is not recommended for oral sex as most brands are not safe to ingest.

Can a woman get pregnant from anal or oral sex?

While no action can make a woman pregnant, if semen-containing fluids accidentally enter the vaginal opening or tract, there is a risk of pregnancy. This is more likely with anal sex because the entrance to the vagina is very close to the anus.

What are the risks associated with anal or oral sex?

During anal sex, the lining of the anus and rectum is thin and can be easily damaged, allowing bacteria and other infectious agents to directly enter the bloodstream. This can increase the risk of certain health problems related to the rectum. Anal sex is known for:

  • Increase the chance of contracting a sexually transmitted disease (for a woman, it is 17 times higher than with vaginal intercourse, specifically with HIV);
  • Heighten the risk of exposure to hepatitis A, B, and C;
  • Increase the chance of developing anal cancer or anal warts;
  • Irritate, inflame, or rupture existing hemorrhoids, causing discomfort and/or anal bleeding;
  • Increases the risk of contracting digestive infections caused by bacteria, parasites and amoebas, which normally only exist in the digestive tract and do not cause problems elsewhere. (Especially for couples who have vaginal sex after anal intercourse or oral-anal play.) Examples include:

      • Giardia
      • Shigella
      • E. coli
      • Campylobacter
      • Salmonella
      • Intestinal amoebas
  • Be a contributing factor to fecal incontinence (inability to control bowel movements);
  • Cause urinary tract infections in men or women, especially those who have vaginal sex after anal sex.

Most of the risks associated with oral sex are related to the possibility of contracting or spreading sexually transmitted diseases. Almost all sexually transmitted diseases can be transmitted through oral sex, such as HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Herpes (mainly HSV-1), gonorrhea, and chlamydia can affect the mouth, lips, or throat. If you have herpes type 1 (cold sores) and have oral sex, you can pass it on to your partner, which can cause genital herpes to develop.

For women who have oral sex, it is important that your partner does not blow air into the vagina. The bubble can cause a pressure drop that can lead to rupture of blood vessels near the surface. This can cause vaginal bleeding or more serious consequences.

Are anal and oral sex safe during pregnancy?

Oral sex is generally considered “likely safe” during pregnancy only if you are in a mutually monogamous relationship in which you both test negative for STDs. For those who choose a new sexual partner or have multiple sexual partners during pregnancy, there is a risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, many of which can adversely affect pregnancy and fetal development.

Especially during pregnancy, it is important that during oral sex your partner does not blow into the vagina and does not trap air in the vagina. Indeed, this air bubble can travel and end up in the placenta, which can lead to problems with the development of the fetus. Also, the difference in pressure caused by air entering the vagina can rupture blood vessels, causing spotting or bleeding.

If you choose to have oral sex while pregnant with a new sexual partner or outside of a mutually monogamous, disease-free relationship, using a condom can help reduce your risk of getting STDs through oral sex.

Anal sex during pregnancy is not generally considered safe. This is due to several things:

Pregnancy can cause hemorrhoids to form, which can make anal sex painful or uncomfortable and cause the hemorrhoids to become inflamed or rupture. Anal bleeding can be severe, especially during pregnancy.

Some infections can cause problems during pregnancy, such as Giardia (giardia) and group B streptococcus. Giardia can cause chronic diarrhea that can lead to dehydration and malnutrition, which can be dangerous for both mother and fetus during pregnancy. Group B streptococcus can be passed to the baby during childbirth and can lead to infection in the baby. Giardia and group B streptococci often colonize the rectum and can spread to the vaginal tract if vaginal or oral sex follows anal sex, or if there is touching (hands or genitals) after anal sex.

Anal sex increases the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, many of which can cause serious complications for the developing fetus. 

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