Omega 3 fatty acids in pregnancy

Omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids

We all need omega-3 fatty acids. They are essential for health throughout our lives. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, our omega-3 needs increase even more. During pregnancy, omega-3s are an important part of the fetal brain, eyes, and nervous system. After the baby is born, omega-3s support brain development and immune function, as well as promote good postpartum mood and mom's well-being. Read on to learn more about these nutrient-dense powerhouses.

What are essential omega-3 fatty acids?

Omega-3s are a family of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are important nutrients for health and development, as are some vitamins and minerals. However, we cannot produce them ourselves, so we must consume omega-3s through food or supplements.

Research shows that the two most beneficial omega-3s are EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). While EPA and DHA naturally occur together and work together in the body, research shows that each fatty acid has unique benefits. Documented health benefits of EPA and DHA include support for a healthy heart, brain, and cognition, joint mobility, eye health, healthy skin and hair, and a healthy immune response.

Research-supported benefits of omega-3 EPA and DHA during pregnancy and lactation include support for healthy fetal brain, eye, and nervous system development, healthy birth weight and pregnancy duration, healthy immune system development, positive mood, and well-being. health. -to be in mothers, and attention and concentration in infants and children.

What foods contain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA + DHA)?

The best sources of EPA and DHA are cold water fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies and herring. Many people are rightfully concerned about the presence of mercury and other toxins in fish, especially during pregnancy. For this reason, purified fish oil supplements are often the safest source of EPA and DHA.

A high quality fish oil supplement from a reputable manufacturer provides the health benefits of EPA and DHA without the risk of toxicity. In addition, a supplement can ensure that you and your child are getting enough EPA and DHA each day, as it is difficult to get enough from food alone.

Many people believe that flax seeds and/or flaxseed oil contain omega-3 fatty acids. But flaxseeds contain a shorter-chain omega-3, ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), which is different from long-chain EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA are omega-3s that the body needs for optimal health and development.

While it was once thought that the human body could convert the ALA in flaxseeds into the EPA and DHA we need, current research shows that this conversion is rare and inefficient. Fish oil or algae oil is a much more reliable source of EPA and DHA, which are so important to health.

Why are omega-3 fatty acids important?

Adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids is necessary to maintain a balanced production of hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. Prostaglandins help regulate many important physiological functions, including blood pressure, blood clotting, nerve transmission, inflammatory and allergic responses, kidney and gastrointestinal function, and other hormone production.

Depending on the type and amount of fatty acids we consume, some types of prostaglandins may be produced in high amounts and others may not be produced at all, and this prostaglandin imbalance can negatively affect our health and well-being. The role of omega-3s in the production of beneficial prostaglandins may explain why they have been shown to have so many health benefits, including enhanced cardiovascular health, cognitive function, and a healthy immune response. New research continues to reveal more and more of the benefits of omega-3s for a wide range of health conditions.

Why are they especially important during pregnancy?

Omega-3 DHA is widely regarded as the most important omega-3 for pregnancy as it is an essential building block of the brain, retina, and nervous system. A growing number of infant and animal studies show a correlation between omega-3 intake, especially DHA, and cognitive and visual function, as well as overall brain development.

In humans, brain development is most rapid and complex during the last trimester of pregnancy and the first two years after birth. In addition, studies show that children whose mothers took DHA during pregnancy had healthier immune function.

But it is not only about the child, but also about the health of the mother. Omega-3 EPA and DHA support healthy labor and birth outcomes, and have also been shown to support a healthy mood. Research has shown that EPA and DHA help support mood and well-being during the postpartum period.

Is it safe to take fish oil during pregnancy?

Yes. While fish may contain environmental toxins such as mercury that build up throughout its life, these toxins can be virtually eliminated during fish oil production and processing through the use of high quality raw materials and a technologically advanced purification process using advanced distillation technologies. .

A reputable fish oil manufacturer should be able to provide documentation of third party lab results showing purity levels of their fish oils down to parts per trillion. Some brands are better than others; Requesting this documentation is one way to make sure your fish oil supplement is pure and safe.

What should I look for when buying fish oil?

Look for a transparent manufacturer - everyone can say that they produce quality fish oils, but not everyone can prove it. The only objective proof of the quality and purity of fish oils are third-party test results that confirm that rigorous standards are met, so look for a manufacturer that offers these test results for free.

These standards ensure high quality fish oils by setting maximum tolerances for toxins, heavy metals, and oxidation, so be sure to buy from a manufacturer that can demonstrate that their products meet or exceed these standards.

Also, check if any of the company's products are supported by independent clinical studies. This proves the effectiveness of the product. A simple phone call to the company or a quick review of their website should answer all your questions.

How much should I take?

Pregnant women should be sure to take a daily supplement containing at least 300 mg of DHA.

Infants (1-18 months):

 mg/lb EPA+DHA

Children (from 1.5 to 15 years old):

8 mg/kg EPA+DHA

Adults (15-115 years):

500 mg EPA+DHA

(minimum 220 mg EPA and 220 mg DHA)

Pregnant and lactating women:

300 mg DHA per day

What if I'm a vegetarian?

An omega-3 algae oil supplement can be a great vegetarian alternative to fish oil. However, be sure to read the labels to make sure you're choosing a product that contains adequate amounts of EPA and DHA - some algae oils do not contain EPA. 

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