Nesting during pregnancy

Nesting during pregnancy

Nesting during pregnancy

You may wake up one morning feeling energized and wanting to clean and tidy your entire home. This desire for cleanliness and organization is known as nesting.

Nesting during pregnancy is an overwhelming desire to prepare your home for the arrival of a new baby.

The nesting instinct is strongest in the last weeks after birth. These are grandmother's tales that as soon as the urge to nest begins, childbirth is about to begin.

What promotes nesting during pregnancy?

Nesting is common and is considered a prenatal instinct, but not all pregnant women experience a nesting instinct.

In the spring, women often feel the urge to clean up and tidy themselves up, hence the old adage "spring cleaning".

Some speculate that this is because they've been cooped up all winter and want something new.

Others believe that the desire to go outside and enjoy the good weather leads some women to organize their home so that they can freely go outside and enjoy nature.

If your baby arrives in late spring or summer, your desire to nest may increase. Nesting feelings during pregnancy can be caused by:

  • Boredom and frustration of being pregnant again
  • Recognize that caring for a baby will take a lot of time and energy, and you want everything to be ready before the baby is born.
  • The excitement and anticipation of your new ball of joy, and the desire for everything to be perfect

When does nesting occur during pregnancy?

Nesting during pregnancy can occur at any time. The most frequently reported event occurred within the last two weeks. Spring may be an additional factor.

Holidays or other celebrations can also increase the desire to prepare things for the child.

Don't worry if you don't feel like nesting; not all women experience this. You can also delegate some of the accommodation duties to your partner.

What does nesting look like during pregnancy?

No frets, you can insert them however you like. You will find that females "nest" in different ways. Some women want to do a general cleaning of the whole house, paint or clean up closets and cupboards. You will find others who just want to put their child's clothes in a drawer.

Don't be surprised if just being at home takes on new meaning.


Nesting during pregnancy is not harmful to you or your baby. However, there are a few precautions you should take. Avoid lifting heavy objects.

Let someone else take the stairs because your balance and posture change during pregnancy and you don't want to risk falling.

It is also important to avoid cleaning chemicals such as bleach or oven cleaners. Even if others use it, it is very important that you have good ventilation.

Do what you have to, but don't overdo it. Rest as much as possible and save energy to deliver and take care of the newborn when he is born.

Take the feeling of nesting and add some delegation to your nesting efforts. This is one of those times in life when being receptive to delegation is a little easier. 

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