Lack of energy during pregnancy

Lack of energy during pregnancy

Lack of energy during pregnancy

Lack of energy during pregnancy is a common disorder faced by many pregnant women. The degree to which you experience a lack of energy varies from woman to woman and can be different from pregnancy to pregnancy.

In the first trimester, the lack of energy is most often felt; however, it is also common in the third trimester. Many women report feeling less tired during the second trimester.

Lack of energy in the first trimester

Lack of energy during pregnancy is often caused by hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. The main hormone that influences this change in energy levels is progesterone. In addition, increased blood flow during pregnancy lowers blood pressure, which is also thought to be a contributing factor to lower energy levels during the first trimester.

Your emotional health and well-being can also be a reason for lack of energy during pregnancy. Stress, mood swings, or anxiety, which tend to increase with pregnancy, can drain you mentally. Unfortunately, each of these factors is an integral part of pregnancy, which also makes low energy levels normal.

Lack of energy in the second trimester

You will most likely notice an increase in energy levels as you approach the second trimester. However, don't make things difficult for yourself if you are one of the many women who lack energy in their second trimester.

The boost in energy levels in the second trimester is often why expectant mothers use this time to plan for their baby, furnish the baby's room, and shop for things your baby will need.

Lack of energy in the third trimester

A lack of energy in the third trimester is to be expected. Your baby is really growing, your body is changing, and you need to expend more energy to get things done. This extra effort will easily drain your existing energy and leave you tired or exhausted. Getting enough sleep can also be harder as your body changes and your baby grows.

Lack of quality sleep can lead to low energy and feeling tired.

How to deal with lack of energy during pregnancy

There are a few things you can do to deal with the lack of energy. You may find that some of these tips work for you, but you'll likely want to include every possible step to give yourself the best chance of feeling more energized.

Here are the steps you can follow:

Sleep, nap and rest

Give yourself the freedom to take a nap or go to bed while you experience periods of low energy during pregnancy. Go to bed early or go to bed. If you are working, you can take a lunch break or take a break to take a nap.

Change your schedule

Limit your activities or give yourself the freedom to say no to new responsibilities. You can also talk to your boss about the possibility of shortening your day or extending your afternoon break for more rest.

Alter exercise plans

Exercise is good for you and your child. However, you can overdo it and drain your energy. You may find that changing your exercise regimen or limiting certain workouts increases your energy. Talk to your doctor before you stop exercising, as the benefits likely outweigh any loss of energy.

Eat healthily

A well-balanced diet also improves energy levels. Nutrients such as protein, iron and their accompanying calories boost your energy levels. An unhealthy diet or eating a lot of carbohydrates and starches can lower your energy.

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