How to treat lice naturally during pregnancy

How to treat lice naturally during pregnancy

How to treat lice naturally during pregnancy

Head lice are small insects that feed on blood from the scalp. Lice transmission usually occurs by direct contact because lice crawl but cannot fly or jump.

Head lice, most commonly found in children, can be transmitted by sharing items such as hats, combs, brushes, hair accessories, towels, pillows, clothes, and headphones. The good news is that they do not carry viral or bacterial diseases.

Lice symptoms include an itchy scalp, visible lice on the scalp, and nits (lice eggs) on the hair shafts. Lice can be difficult to see because they are small, move quickly, and their nits tend to blend into the hair.

Thus, you may not even suspect that you have lice. Also, if it's your first time getting lice, it can take 2 to 6 weeks before you start to feel itchy.

One natural treatment for head lice is to comb wet hair with a fine-toothed comb. Make sure your hair is damp and lubricated with conditioner. Then, using a fine-toothed comb specially designed for head lice, comb the hair from head to ends, combing the entire head at least twice per session.

With each pass through the hair, check that there are no lice in the comb and rinse them. Repeat this every three days for several weeks. Continue this process for two weeks after you stop seeing lice.

You can also try using essential oils such as tea tree oil, lavender oil, neem oil, clove oil, and eucalyptus oil.

In rare cases, some people are allergic to certain essential oils. To use, mix 15 to 20 drops of essential oil with two ounces of olive oil.

Apply to scalp and hair and leave overnight for at least 12 hours. Comb your hair the next morning, shampoo, rinse and repeat if necessary.

Other household remedies can be used to smother head lice. These include olive oil, butter and mayonnaise. Simply apply the product to your hair and scalp, cover your hair with a shower cap and leave overnight.

After you have cured your hair, you can also clean various household items. Although lice cannot live more than a day without living near the scalp, cleaning some items that have been used in the last two days can be helpful. Wash clothes, bedding and soft toys in hot water.

Also wash all hair care items such as brushes, combs and hair accessories with hot water. You can vacuum the floor in addition to any upholstered furniture. Finally, place all non-washable items in an airtight plastic bag or container for two weeks.

How to treat lice during pregnancy if it doesn't work naturally

If natural remedies don't help, over-the-counter lotions or sprays are best. They should only be used if you see a moving head louse. Anti-lice shampoos and rinses are not recommended as they are generally ineffective.

One of the lotions approved for use by pregnant and lactating women is Dimethicone 4% Lotion.

Check the label of any other head lice product carefully for warnings related to product use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. If in doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before using the product.

To use the lotion or spray, follow the instructions, which may vary depending on the type of treatment you are using. Be sure to cover the scalp to the ends of the hair and leave the product for the time indicated in the instructions. After three to five days, check the head for hatching eggs.

Then check again in 10-12 days. Lice treatments may not kill all lice eggs, so at least two applications are recommended.

Prescription medications

If lice persist even after using an over-the-counter lotion or spray, you may need to ask your doctor for a prescription. Your doctor may recommend medications such as benzyl alcohol or malathion, both of which are safe to take during pregnancy but not while breastfeeding.

Some medicines, including lindane, are not safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Therefore, it is important to tell your doctor that you are pregnant so that he can prescribe the right medication for you. 

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