How to naturally treat plantar warts during pregnancy?

How to naturally treat plantar warts during pregnancy?

How to naturally treat plantar warts during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, your body goes through many changes that can make it harder for you to move in the same way you did before pregnancy. You may find it harder to reach your feet to wash them or put on your shoes, especially as your pregnancy progresses.

However, proper foot care is still important to avoid plantar warts.

Plantar warts are benign growths that usually appear on the heels or soles of the feet. Caused by several specific strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), plantar warts are spread through direct contact with scratches, cuts, and cracks in dry skin.

However, certain HPV strains that cause plantar warts are not highly contagious, so you won't necessarily get infected with the wart-causing virus even if you've been exposed to the wart.

Symptoms of a plantar wart include a hard, rough growth on the sole of the foot that may contain wart seeds, which are clogged blood vessels that look like tiny black dots.

Plantar warts can also have ridged lines and are often brown or gray in color.

How to treat plantar warts naturally during pregnancy

It is important to treat warts as they can grow and spread. However, there is no known single treatment that can completely cure warts or prevent them from reappearing.

Plantar warts tend to be stubborn, and trying to treat them on your own can lead to scarring and other skin damage. Thus, it is best to avoid warts altogether.

Here are some tips to avoid getting or spreading warts:

  • Make sure to keep your feet clean and dry.
  • Change your socks daily.
  • Wear sandals when in moist, communal areas such as pools and locker rooms.
  • Do not share shoes or socks with other people.
  • Allow your shoes to dry before wearing them.
  • Avoid picking at existing warts, and do not rub warts with a pumice stone.

How to treat plantar warts during pregnancy if it doesn't work naturally

If you think you have a wart, get it checked out by your podiatrist, who can determine if it's a wart or other skin lesion and recommend the best treatment. If you have a wart, your doctor may recommend over-the-counter treatments, prescription drugs, or another method for more persistent warts.

Some of these treatments include the following:

  • Salicylic acid: It can be used during pregnancy, but make sure you only apply it to a small area of ​​skin for a limited amount of time.
  • Cryotherapy: This method can also be used during pregnancy and involves freezing the wart with liquid nitrogen. It may take several sessions to remove a wart.
  • Medication injection: Your doctor may inject medication into the wart to treat the virus. However, some of these medicines, such as bleomycin, are not safe to take during pregnancy, so be sure to tell your doctor that you are pregnant so they can prescribe a safe medicine for you.
  • Surgery: Your doctor can remove the wart surgically, but this is not something you should do on your own, as it can lead to scarring, infection, and other serious problems.
  • Laser surgery: This method can be used to either burn off the blood vessels associated with the wart so that it eventually dies and falls off, or cuts open the wart.
  • Chemicals: Your doctor may also use certain chemicals to remove the wart.

If you have diabetes and think you have a wart, it's important to see a doctor, even if you think it's minor. A wart should only be treated under the supervision of a doctor, as diabetes puts you at an increased risk of damage to tendons, skin, and nerves. 

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