General anesthesia

General anesthesia

General anesthesia

Information about general anesthesia will help prevent surprises for mothers in the unlikely event that this is needed. General anesthesia causes complete loss of sensation and consciousness.

It is rarely used in labor because the conscious involvement of the mother is considered very important for a safe and efficient delivery.

The following situations are rare when a doctor may decide to perform general anesthesia:

  • Caesarean section when rapid loss of sensation is required
  • In rare cases, when it is not possible to perform an epidural or spinal block
  • When a woman cannot tolerate regional anesthesia
  • When the benefits of general anesthesia clearly outweigh the risks

How is it given?

  • A muscle relaxant such as succinylcholine is given intravenously. This quickly makes the woman very relaxed and semi-conscious.
  • Then she inhales a gas called nitrous oxide, which causes complete loss of consciousness. A tube is inserted into the woman's trachea to keep her airway open and allow the anesthetic to be administered. Since an unconscious person may vomit, the tube helps prevent the possibility of inhaling the vomit.

What are the risks for mother and baby?

Research strongly suggests that the maternal mortality rate due to general anesthesia can be at least twice as high as the mortality rate due to regional anesthesia. The leading cause of maternal death during general anesthesia is airway obstruction.

The biggest problem for the baby is decreased uterine blood flow and neonatal depression. Prolonged neonatal effects have led to the virtual elimination of the use of general anesthesia during labor. 

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