Fifth disease during pregnancy

Fifth disease during pregnancy

Fifth disease during pregnancy

Fifth disease is a contagious infection caused by the human parvovirus B19 and is transmitted by coughing, sneezing or bodily fluids.

Most women who contract the fifth disease during pregnancy have healthy babies.

However, as with any disease, it is important to understand the signs, symptoms, treatment options, and possible consequences of the disease for mother and child. Below are the steps to treat and prevent the fifth disease during pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of the fifth disease during pregnancy?

Signs and symptoms of fifth disease during pregnancy may include:

  • Soreness in your joints which could last for several days or weeks
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Lacy red rash on the cheeks, legs, belly, and neck

Typically, a red rash occurs in children, while other symptoms are most common in adults. Symptoms of fifth disease are constant in all adults, regardless of pregnancy status.

How to diagnose the fifth disease during pregnancy

If you suspect that you have contracted a fifth disease, but you do not have a rash, you should have a blood test to check for the infection. When the fifth disease is contracted during pregnancy, the main cause for concern is your unborn child.

In many cases, your doctor will suggest additional ultrasounds within 8-12 weeks to monitor for possible pregnancy complications. If an ultrasound shows signs of illness in your child, your healthcare provider may recommend an amniocentesis or cordocentesis to confirm the infection and its severity.

Possible complications of the fifth disease during pregnancy

Although rare, in about 5% of cases, the fifth disease can lead to complications during pregnancy. The number one complication of the fifth disease for your unborn child is anemia. Anemia is characterized by the absence of healthy red blood cells.

Red blood cells are important for your baby's development because they carry oxygen throughout the body. In most cases, anemia is not serious and can simply be monitored for health problems after birth. However, if the child has severe anemia, there is a risk of developing dropsy.

Dropsy is a buildup of fluid in your child's body. The development of dropsy is a serious condition as it can lead to congestive heart failure and possibly death. Some healthcare professionals choose to treat dropsy by giving blood transfusions while the baby is in the womb. If your baby has dropsy in the third trimester, you may need to give birth urgently.

How do you treat fifth disease during pregnancy?

Remember that the Fifth Disease of pregnancy occurs in about 1 in 400 cases. Of these cases, only 5% developed an alarming complication. Usually the fifth disease is mild and resolves on its own without any treatment in healthy children and adults. Children are monitored for signs of infection and possible anemia. In rare cases where the condition worsens, your doctor may treat your baby with a blood transfusion while she is in the womb.

How to prevent the fifth disease during pregnancy?

Hand washing may prevent fifth disease during pregnancy

There is currently no vaccine against the fifth disease, so the best treatment or action against the fifth disease is prevention.

Here are some ways to protect yourself from infection:

  • Regular washing of hands with soap and hot water
  • Careful disposal of tissues or other items that carry bodily fluids
  • Covering your mouth when sneezing, coughing, etc.
  • Limited exposure to those who have the Fifth disease

The good news is that the steps you take to avoid fifth disease also protect you from other bacteria, viruses, and infections. 

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