Fetal alcohol syndrome

Fetal alcohol syndrome

Fetal alcohol syndrome

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can lead to a range of physical, neurological and psychiatric disorders of varying severity. They fall under the term "fetal alcohol spectrum disorder", the best known of which are fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol effects. The effect of alcohol on the fetus can also be divided into two different categories: alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorders and alcohol-related birth defects.

What is fetal alcohol syndrome?

Fetal alcohol syndrome is one of the most common causes of mental retardation and the only one that is 100% preventable. The consequences are irreversible and persist for life.

The consequences of fetal alcohol syndrome include mental retardation, malformations of the skeletal system and major organ systems (especially the heart and brain), growth retardation, central nervous system complications, poor motor skills, mortality, and difficulties with learning, memory, and social interaction. , attention span, problem solving, speech and/or hearing.

There are also characteristic facial features of infants with fetal alcohol syndrome. These include small eyes, a short or upturned nose, flat cheeks, and thin lips. These characteristics disappear as the child matures, but he still has to deal with many other difficulties.

What is the effect of alcohol on the fetus?

Two categories of alcohol effects on the fetus are alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorders and alcohol-related birth defects:

Alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder describes mental and behavioral disorders such as learning disabilities, poor academic performance, poor impulse control, and problems with memory, attention, and/or judgment.

Alcohol Related Birth Defects: Describes malformations of the skeletal system and major organ systems such as the heart, kidneys, bones, and/or auditory system.

How is fetal alcohol syndrome different from the effects of alcohol on the fetus?

Fetal alcohol syndrome is the result of drinking large amounts of alcohol during pregnancy, such as heavy drinking and/or regular drinking. The effect of alcohol on the fetus is the result of moderate alcohol consumption throughout pregnancy. The results of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol exposure are irreversible and permanent.

Is it safe to drink any amount of alcohol?

No amount of alcohol is safe to consume during pregnancy, but the more alcohol you drink, the greater the risk to your developing baby.

How can I prevent fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol effects?

Fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol effects are 100% preventable for a woman who completely abstains from alcohol during pregnancy. Therefore, if you know you are pregnant, are trying to conceive, or think you might become pregnant, you should not drink alcohol in any amount. 

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