Anemia during pregnancy

 Anemia during pregnancy

Anemia during pregnancy

Anemia is a disease in which there are not enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body's tissues. When tissues do not receive enough oxygen, many organs and functions are affected. Anemia during pregnancy is of particular concern as it is associated with low birth weight, preterm birth and maternal mortality.

Pregnant women are at a higher risk of developing anemia due to the excessive amount of blood the body produces to supply the baby with nutrients. Anemia during pregnancy can be a mild and easily treatable condition if detected early. However, if left untreated, it can become dangerous for both mother and baby.

Types of anemia during pregnancy

There are over 400 different types of anemia, but some are more common during pregnancy.

The most common types of anemia during pregnancy are:

Iron-deficiency anemia

It is the most common type of anemia in pregnant women. About 15-25% of all pregnancies are iron deficient. Iron is a mineral found in red blood cells that is used to transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and to help muscles store and use oxygen. When too little iron is produced, the body can become tired and reduce its resistance to infections.

Folate-deficiency anemia

Folate refers to folic acid, a water-soluble vitamin that may help prevent neural tube defects during pregnancy. Folic acid is a common supplement taken by pregnant women, but it can also be found in fortified foods such as grains, leafy vegetables, bananas, melons, and legumes. A diet low in folic acid can lead to a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the body, leading to a deficiency.

Vitamin B12-deficiency anemia

Vitamin B-12 is also a vitamin that the body needs to produce red blood cells. Although some women may get enough B-12 in their diet, their bodies may not be able to process this vitamin, resulting in a deficiency.

Causes of anemia during pregnancy

The cause of anemia really depends on the number of red blood cells produced in the body and their health status. The fall in hemoglobin levels during pregnancy is caused by a large increase in plasma volume compared to an increase in red blood cell volume. This disproportion between the growth rates of plasma and erythrocytes is most pronounced in the second trimester.

Here are ways in which red blood cells can be affected and lead to anemia:

Lack of iron in the diet due to insufficient intake of iron-rich foods or the body's inability to absorb the iron it consumes.

Pregnancy itself, because the iron produced is necessary for the female body to increase its own blood volume. Without iron supplements, there is not enough iron to supply blood to a growing fetus.

Heavy bleeding due to menstruation, an ulcer or polyp, or blood donation causes red blood cells to be destroyed faster than they can be replaced.

Symptoms of anemia during pregnancy

Symptoms of anemia during pregnancy may be mild at first and often go unnoticed. However, as it progresses, the symptoms worsen. It's also important to note that some symptoms may not be caused by anemia, but by something else, so it's important to discuss them with your doctor.

Some common symptoms of anemia are:

  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat
  • Chest Pain
  • Pale skin, lips, and nails
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Trouble concentrating

Treatment of anemia during pregnancy

Anemia during pregnancy can be easily treated by adding iron or vitamins to your daily routine. As a rule, this is all that is needed to eliminate the effects of anemia. However, in very rare cases, women with severe anemia may need a blood transfusion. Talk to your doctor about nutritional supplements you may need.

Prevention of anemia during pregnancy

Preventing anemia during pregnancy is as simple as changing or supplementing your diet. Health professionals recommend that a pregnant woman consume 30 mg (at least three servings) of iron each day.

Here are some examples of iron-rich foods:

  • Lean, red meats and poultry
  • Eggs
  • Dark, leafy green vegetables (such as broccoli, kale, and spinach)
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Beans, lentils, and tofu

Because it can be difficult to consume as much iron as recommended during pregnancy, it is recommended that you take iron supplements in addition to eating these foods. Foods high in vitamin C can actually help the body absorb more iron, so these supplements are also helpful.

Foods rich in vitamin C include:

  • Citrus fruits and juices
  • Strawberries
  • Oranges
  • Kiwis
  • Tomatoes
  • Bell peppers

After delivery, blood volume and plasma levels should return to normal. It can solve any problem of anemia that develops later in pregnancy. This should not prevent pregnant women from seeking medical attention for anemia during pregnancy.

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