Your son at 16

Your son at 16

Your son at 16

So, your son is 16 years old. You may not have given him your car keys yet, but he definitely goes his own way, telling mind-blowing stories along the way. He's in his mid-teens - somewhere between a teenager and a youngster.

Development milestones

Here are some of the milestones you can expect from him at this age and some of the potential roadblocks he may face along the way.


His body is still growing and maturing, and the end of puberty is just around the corner. He didn't quite catch up with the older girls his age, but you can see the end result.

It's time for a new conversation about his values, as well as his future projects, which are looming like never before. High risk behaviors such as sex and drug use, including alcohol, can harm these plans as well as their body.


He might surprise you if he turns his back on his old group a bit, tests new interests, and tests his stronger sense of self. He still needs his friends.

This freedom may lead him into the part-time job market as he begins to think about life after school. You can see it even less at home. But you will appreciate that you will have fewer conflicts when your paths cross.


Your hard-to-read teen now has deeper emotions. You can see him getting more aroused by the potential romantic interest. He will also bond more closely with his friends.

He has a truer moral compass, or at least a clearer idea of ​​what he thinks is right or wrong. He backs up his choice with a firmer stance.

Sixteen can also be tinged with sadness or depression. This may confuse you. It can also lead to problems both in and out of school. If his sadness seems excessive or doesn't go away, see a doctor or mental health professional.


Its large world requires more complex language skills. They are crucial not only for the school, but also for communicating with other people. For example:

  • He can tell and write involved, incredible stories. He’s better able to explain, describe, sum up, and argue. His academic load is more challenging, language-wise.
  • His sense of understanding ramps up. He keenly tunes in to others’ verbal and body language, and can read facial expressions.
  • He knows his language needs to change from school to other settings, and moves between them smoothly.

Body image

Many 16 year olds worry about their height, type and weight. If your son is overweight, he faces not only health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure, but also social and self-esteem issues that can also make life difficult.

You can help your son achieve a healthy body image by encouraging him to exercise for an hour every day. If he doesn't play sports or go to the gym, encourage him to do something he enjoys, like going hiking or checking out a new climbing wall. Go there when you can.

Make sure your son starts his day with a good breakfast. He may not need cereal in the pantry, but a plate of leftovers from last night's dinner might help. If he is on his way, give him some cheese or a banana for the journey.

Stock your kitchen with healthy snacks like fruit, pretzels, and low-fat yogurt or pudding. Replacing even one serving of junk food a day goes a long way.

Peer pressure

Your 16 year old is getting more confident, but there will always be questionable situations. Encourage him to stay with other children who are resistant to peer pressure and distance himself from those whose risky behavior is dangerous.

Help him find ways to avoid or get out of situations that seem to go wrong. Also find other adults he can call.


Ganging up on the weak, and your son may find himself or someone else being bullied. With boys, bullying is often physical in nature. He may not see it as often on school grounds or at parties; it can happen on social media or even on his smartphone. Electronics can greatly increase bullying.

Teach him that the best thing to do is not to continue bullying yourself, but to tell the school psychologist, administrator, or other specialist about it. Whether they are being bullied or a bully themselves, a teen mental health expert can help them deal with it, track it down to its source, and lessen the emotional impact it has on later life.

Staying safe

Social media can be a great tool for your son to meet new people and find those who share his interests. He provides a forum to express himself and give his opinion, but he cannot tell who is watching. Try these tips to help him stay safe online:

  • Help your son control his personal information and deny access to people he doesn't know or can't find.
  • Show him that all messages and texts can be loudspeakers that are broadcast in the world.
  • Make it a rule that, like other friends he wants to hang out with, he should introduce you to the people he plans to meet offline.

Safety in motion

Road traffic accidents remain the most likely cause of an accident among adolescents of this age. Never stop insisting that he follow all the rules of the road and safety, whether he is driving or driving.

Insist that he wears a helmet or protective gear necessary for cycling, mountain biking, and other sports.

Emotional support

Your son may act like he doesn't need you. But he is, and he knows it. Let him know that you care by following a few simple steps:

  • Show interest in their daily lives, at school and beyond. Encourage him to express himself through sports, drama, art, or music.
  • Let him know that his victories and efforts are important to you.
  • Take their concerns and opinions seriously. It also gives you insight into new patterns and behavioral changes.
  • If he is moping or seems unusually sad, feel free to ask him about thoughts of harming himself or killing himself. Mentioning this will not make it more likely that this will happen. Seek professional help immediately if you think he needs it. 

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