Your son at 15

Your son at 15

Your son at 15

This little boy with scratched knees and a funny smile is no longer a little boy. It's hard to believe, but your son is 15 years old. He's probably in the first or second grade of high school.

15 years old is a teenager, no longer a child, but not yet an adult.

This is a time of physical change, but also a time of great intellectual, social and emotional development. While this varies greatly from boy to boy, there are common milestones to look for.


At this age, 15-year-old boys continue to grow. They are:

  • Eat a lot and are almost always hungry
  • Get taller and more muscular
  • Need lots of sleep
  • Can be clumsy because they’re growing

Sexual changes

  • Larger penis and testicles that start to make sperm
  • Pubic hair, then underarm and facial hair
  • Deeper voice that sometimes cracks
  • Bigger Adam’s apple


Young children think only about what’s going on at the moment. But by age 15, a boy can think in more complex ways. Look for your son to:

  • Start to set goals for the future
  • Plan for “what if” situations
  • Make more of his own decisions
  • Develop a sense of right and wrong
  • Understand the effects of his behavior

Emotional and social

Teens at this age search for identity -- a sense of who they are. They want to be more in control and more independent. Your 15-year-old son may also:

  • Think friends are more important than family
  • Spend less time with parents, and more time with friends or alone
  • Want to argue more and talk less
  • Start to date
  • Become more aware of sexual orientation
  • Feel things deeply
  • Try to understand his own feelings
  • Get sad or depressed. This can lead to problems in school, use of drugs or alcohol, risky sex, and other behaviors

Keep him safe

Adolescents between the ages of 15 and 19 have a higher mortality rate than young children. The main causes are traffic accidents, homicides and suicides. About a quarter of children aged 12 to 17 used drugs.

These ground rules will help keep your son safe:

  • Always wear your seat belt and never talk on your cell phone while driving.
  • Be careful on the Internet and when using social networks. Strengthen the rules for the use of media and games, including the sharing of personal information.
  • Wear protective gear on your bike, rollerblade or skateboard.
  • Obey family rules and the law on the use of alcohol and drugs.
  • Stay away from weapons unless you are trained and near an adult who knows the safety rules for handling weapons.
  • Understand what can happen if you are sexually active (talk to your son about illness, pregnancy, respect for girls and how sex can change his attitude towards himself).

How can you help

As a parent, there are many things you can do to help your teenage son. Be ready to talk when he comes—no phone, no TV, just the two of you. Listen calmly and try to understand his point of view. Then express your opinion. Don't laugh or make fun of what he says.

Other ways to help:

  • Let him know when he does something well.
  • Encourage him to be part of family decision-making.
  • Show interest in his friends, school, and activities.
  • Set rules for use of phones, devices, and social media.
  • Help him understand peer pressure. It can be good or bad.
  • Make sure he knows what to do if he is offered drugs or is pressured to have sex.
  • Encourage your son to volunteer and care about others.
  • Give him his privacy.
  • Be a good role model for choices about sleep, food, and exercise.

Pay attention to signs of suicide. Your son may be at risk if he:

  • Talks about suicide or death
  • Talks about not being around in the future
  • Gives away things he loves
  • Increases his use of drugs or alcohol
  • Has tried suicide before

Do not leave your son alone if you think there is a risk of suicide. Get help immediately.

Steps to take

At 15, your son doesn't need you to help him cross the street. But he needs you to guide him as he matures. If you're worried about him, talk to your doctor or school counselor.

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