Your pregnancy by week: Weeks 9-12

Your pregnancy by week: Weeks 9-12

Your pregnancy by week: Weeks 9-12

9 weeks pregnant

Baby: Your baby is the size of a peanut. The head is straighter, the neck is more developed. During an ultrasound, you can see how your baby is moving, even if you don't feel it yet.

Mom-to-be: Your uterus continues to grow and you may notice that your waist is thickening. Until you tell people about your new special, your pregnancy will still not be noticeable to others. You shouldn't gain much weight just yet, especially if you have food aversion, food cravings, heartburn, indigestion, nausea, or bloating.

Tip of the week: Eat plenty of calcium-rich foods such as cheeses, sardines, and broccoli. Your child needs it, and so do you.

10 weeks pregnant

Baby: Your child is still small, but looks and behaves like a baby. The arms and legs are longer and can bend at the elbows and knees.

Mom-to-be: Once your uterus was the size of a fist, now it's the size of a grapefruit. You probably don't show much, but you may feel more comfortable in looser clothing. You may still feel tired and out of sorts, but rest assured that these symptoms should not last too long.

Tip of the week: Start shopping for maternity bras. You will need it very soon. You can purchase nursing bras if you plan to breastfeed.

11 weeks pregnant

Baby: It's another great growth week. When your doctor is now using a Doppler stethoscope, he may hear fast "whistling" heartbeat sounds. Your baby's genitals are developing, but the sex can't be determined by ultrasound yet.

Mom-to-be: Pregnancy hormones show their positive and negative sides. You may notice that your hair, fingernails and toenails grow faster. But you may also notice oily skin and acne.

Tip of the week: Make an appointment with your dentist. Visit your dentist at least once during these nine months. Brush and floss daily, and take a prenatal vitamin with calcium to keep your teeth strong. Your gums may bleed more due to pregnancy hormones and increased blood volume. In this case, use a soft toothbrush.

12 weeks pregnant

Baby: All parts of your baby are developing, from the rudiments of teeth to the toenails. Your baby will continue to grow, get bigger and stronger throughout the rest of your pregnancy. At the end of this week, the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced.

Mom-to-be: In the next few weeks you will feel more energetic. Typical weight gain is now between 680g and 2.25kg. Expectant fathers may also experience pregnancy symptoms, called couvade or "hatching", during the third month and at birth, including nausea, abdominal pain, changes in appetite, and weight gain.

Tip of the week: Try not to worry about stretch marks. Most women get them on their breasts, abdomen, thighs, or buttocks during pregnancy. They do not go away, but usually disappear after pregnancy. Despite manufacturers' claims, creams and oils don't downplay them. The degree of their effect depends on the natural elasticity of your skin.

What is happening inside you?

By the end of the third month, your baby's arms, hands, fingers, feet, and toes are fully formed. Small handles can open and close. Fingernails and toenails begin to grow and outer ears form. Teeth are starting to form. Your baby's reproductive organs are also developing, but the baby's sex can be difficult to determine on an ultrasound. The circulatory and urinary systems function, the liver produces bile. 

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