Your pregnancy by week: Weeks 21-25
21 week
Baby: Your child regularly gains fat to keep warm. The growth rate
slows down, but his organs are still maturing. Your baby's sebaceous glands
form a waxy film called primordial lubricant that coats the skin, keeping it
supple in the amniotic fluid. The rudiments of permanent teeth begin to form.
Mom-to-be: You're starting to show yourself! Your uterus begins to
expand above your belly button. You have probably gained between 4.5 and 6.5 kg
by now.
Tip of the week: If
you're interested in prenatal classes, this is the time to start looking.
22 week
Baby: Your baby's muscles are getting stronger every week, eyelids
and eyebrows are developing. Your baby moves a lot and reacts to sound, rhythm
and melody. If you sing and talk to your baby now, these sounds may soothe your
newborn later.
Mom-to-be: your uterus continues to grow and you are probably doing
well; no more morning sickness. However, you may still experience cramps in
your legs and feet, as well as mild swelling in your ankles and feet.
Tip of the week: To
curb cramps, eat more calcium and potassium. Drink a glass of milk before bed,
or snack on potassium-rich foods like grapefruit, oranges, and bananas. If you
have leg cramps, try curling your toes towards your face and keeping your leg
23 week
Baby: Your baby's skin is still wrinkled because your baby still
needs to gain weight. Fine hairs called lanugo sometimes become darker on the
you probably gained 5.5-7 kg. During pregnancy, you may notice an increase in
vaginal discharge, usually clear or yellowish, with a slight odor. If the color
or smell has changed significantly, see your doctor to see if you have an
infection. Do you have small back pain? It is helpful to lie down, massage, and
apply a heating pad or hot water bottle to the area.
Tip of the week:
When your skin stretches, it can become dry and itchy. Moisturizing the skin
with lotions or creams may help.
24 week
Baby: Your baby begins to produce white blood cells that help
fight disease and infection and may respond to your touch or sounds. If you
haven't experienced baby hiccups yet, you can now.
Expect to gain about 500 grams a week this month. Your healthcare provider may
test you for gestational diabetes between this week and the 28th week of
Tip of the week:
Your partner could hear the baby's heartbeat by placing one ear against your
25 week
Baby: Your child's skin now becomes opaque instead of transparent.
The baby's body is still covered with folds, as it needs to develop in its
skin. The heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope or, depending on the
position of the baby, when other people put their ear to your stomach.
Mom-to-be: in addition to the fact that your uterus grows up, it
can grow on the sides of your stomach. You may have hemorrhoids caused by
increased blood flow, constipation, indigestion, and heartburn.
Tip of the week: To
soothe hemorrhoids, apply an ice pack or witch hazel, or try a sitz bath (soaking
the buttocks in warm, shallow water). OTC suppositories and/or medicated wipes
may also help. Do not take laxatives or mineral oil.
What is happening inside you?
By the end of the sixth month,
your baby's fingerprints and footprints become visible. The eyelids begin to
open and the eyes open.
Your baby may react to sounds by moving or having a faster pulse, and you may feel the baby hiccup.