Your pregnancy by week: Weeks 17-20

Your pregnancy by week: Weeks 17-20

Your pregnancy by week: Weeks 17-20

Week 17

Baby: Your baby has doubled in weight in the last two weeks. Fat begins to form, helping your baby generate heat and metabolism. The lungs begin to exhale amniotic fluid, the circulatory and urinary systems work. Hair on the head, eyebrows and eyelashes are filled in.

Mom-to-be: Now you show more, with a typical weight gain of 2.2-4.5 kg. You may also notice that your appetite has increased.

Tip of the week: To avoid dizziness or fainting, change positions slowly, especially when moving from lying down to sitting or from sitting to standing. If you feel dizzy, sit down and lower your head or lie down for a while.

Week 18

Baby: Your child's rapid growth spurt fades, but reflexes take over. The baby can yawn, stretch and make facial expressions, even frown. Taste buds begin to develop and can distinguish between sweet and bitter. The baby will suck if you stroke his lips, he can swallow and even hiccup. The retina has become sensitive to light, so if a bright light hits the abdomen, the baby is more likely to move to cover their eyes.

Mom-to-be: Your melon-sized uterus can probably be felt just below your belly button. A mid-pregnancy ultrasound may be done between now and 22 weeks to assess the growth and development of the baby and check the due date. If the baby is in the correct position, the ultrasound can tell if it is a boy or a girl. Your heart needs to work 40-50% more to keep the pregnancy going.

Tip of the week: Can your partner accompany you to the ultrasound? This is a chance to see your child together for the first time.

Week 19

Baby: Your baby's skin develops and becomes translucent, appears red because blood vessels are visible through it. A creamy white protective coating called primordial lubrication begins to grow on the baby's skin.

Mom-to-be: as your baby continues to grow, you may experience pain in the middle of pregnancy: pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, heartburn, constipation, leg cramps, slight swelling in the ankles and thighs, feet and back pain. Dilated blood vessels can cause tiny temporary red spots (called spider nevi) on the face, shoulders, and arms.

Tip of the week: take care of yourself! Try not to strain too much while the baby is growing so fast.

Week 20

Baby: Your baby can now hear sounds: your voice, the rumbling of the heart and stomach, as well as sounds outside your body. The baby will cover his ears with his hands if there is a loud noise near you, and may even flinch and “jump”. The baby also moves frequently - spinning, turning, wriggling, kicking and kicking.

Mom-to-be: Congratulations! You are close to the middle of your pregnancy. Your uterus is at about the same level as your belly button. Your waist has practically disappeared. Bladder infections are more likely because some of the muscles in the urinary tract relax. Your breathing will become more intense and you may sweat more than usual because your thyroid is more active.

Tip of the week: Back pain? Watch your posture. Sit with a footstool or use an ergonomic chair, don't stand for too long, sleep with a small pillow at your side at your waist, and lift objects with your feet instead of your back.

What is happening inside you?

Hair begins to grow on your baby's head, and lanugo, a fine, soft coat, covers her shoulders, back, and temples. This hair protects your baby and usually falls out at the end of the baby's first week of life.

Your baby's skin is covered with a whitish coating called primordial lubrication. This "nerdy" substance, which is supposed to protect the baby's skin from prolonged exposure to amniotic fluid, is excreted just before birth.

You may begin to feel your baby move as he develops and trains his muscles. This movement is called acceleration. 

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