Your first prenatal visit

Your first prenatal visit

Your first prenatal visit

If you didn't see a doctor before you got pregnant, your first prenatal visit will usually be about 8 weeks after your last period. If this applies to you, you should schedule an antenatal visit as soon as you know you're pregnant!

Even if you're not the first mom, prenatal visits are still important because every pregnancy is different. This first visit will probably be one of the longest. It will help if you arrive prepared with dates and important information. This is also a good opportunity to bring a list of questions you and your partner have about your pregnancy, prenatal care, and birth options.

Your doctor will ask you to provide a medical history, including:

  • Medical and/or psychosocial problems
  • Blood pressure, height, and weight
  • Breast and cervical exam
  • Date of your last menstrual period
  • Birth control methods
  • History of abortions and/or miscarriages
  • Hospitalizations
  • Medications you are taking
  • Medication allergies
  • Your family’s medical history
  • Your doctor will also perform a physical exam which will include a pap smear, cervical cultures, and possibly an ultrasound if there is a question about how far along you are or if you are experiencing any bleeding or cramping.

Blood will be drawn and several laboratory tests will be performed, including:

  • Hemoglobin/ hematocrit
  • Rh Factor and blood type (if Rh negative, rescreen at 26-28 weeks)
  • Rubella screen
  • Varicella or history of chickenpox, rubella, and hepatitis vaccine
  • Cystic Fibrosis screen
  • Hepatitis B surface antigen
  • Tay Sach’s screen
  • Sickle Cell prep screen
  • HIV test
  • Hemoglobin levels
  • Hematocrit levels
  • Specific tests depending on the patient, such as testing for tuberculosis and Hepatitis C

Your doctor will probably want to discuss the following points:

  • Recommendations concerning dental care, cats, raw meat, fish, and gardening
  • Fevers and medications
  • Environmental hazards
  • Travel limitations
  • Miscarriage precautions
  • Prenatal vitamins, supplements, herbs
  • Diet, exercise, nutrition, weight gain
  • Physician/midwife rotation in the office

Possible questions to ask the supplier include:

  • Is there a nurse line that I can call if I have questions?
  • If I experience bleeding or cramping, do I call you or your nurse?
  • What do you consider an emergency?
  • Will I need to change my habits regarding sex, exercise, nutrition?
  • When will my next prenatal visit be scheduled?
  • What type of testing do you recommend and when are they to be done? (In case you want to do research the tests to decide if you want them or not.)

If you haven't discussed labor and delivery with your doctor yet, now is the time. This reduces the risk of surprises when the labor force arrives.

Here are some questions to ask:

  • What are your thoughts about natural childbirth?
  • What situations would warrant a Cesarean?
  • What situations would warrant an episiotomy?
  • How long past my expected due date will I be allowed to go before intervening?
  • What is your policy on labor induction? 

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