Your daughter at 15

Your daughter at 15

Your daughter at 15

She can be super cute and super naughty, all in the same half hour. And she's on the phone 24/7. Do you look like your 15 year old daughter? Even though they may think they are all adults, girls of this age still need a lot of guidance. The more you know what to expect, the more you can help.

15 years old is a teenager, no longer a child, but not yet an adult. There are many physical changes, but it is also a time of great intellectual, social and emotional development. While this can vary from girl to girl, there are common stages to look out for.


By the age of 15, most girls have breasts and pubic hair, reach adult height, and begin their first period.

Your daughter may be concerned about the size and shape of her body, as well as her weight. Nearly half of all high school girls are on a diet. Sometimes this anxiety can lead to an eating disorder. If you think this might be a problem for your daughter, talk to her doctor.


When children are small, they only think about what is happening at the moment. But at the age of 15, a girl can think more comprehensively about what is possible and how the world works. Expect your 15 year old to:

  • Start to set goals for the future
  • Plan "what if" situations
  • Make more of your own decisions
  • Understand the consequences of your behavior

She will begin to develop a sense of right and wrong and use it to make decisions. But sometimes she will act without much thought. Your daughter organizes herself better. Many girls at this age combine study, classes and work well.

Emotional and social

15 year olds in search of personality. When they find out who they are, they will want more control and more independence. At 15 years old girls:

  • Consider friends as important as family
  • Spend less time with parents, and more time with friends or alone
  • Start to date
  • Tend to argue
  • May become sexually active
  • May be more aware of sexual orientation
  • Feel things deeply
  • Try to understand their own feelings
  • Feel sad or depressed. If a period of sadness lasts more than a couple of weeks, get some help.
  • Experiment with alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs

Help her stay safe

Adolescents between the ages of 15 and 19 have a higher mortality rate than young children. The main causes are car accidents, murders and suicides. As your daughter becomes responsible for her own safety, these rules will help her keep herself safe:

  • Always wear your seat belt and never talk on your cell phone while driving.
  • Wear protective gear when cycling, rollerblading or skateboarding.
  • Be careful online and social media.
  • Obey family rules and the law on the use of alcohol and drugs.
  • Understand what can happen if you are sexually active (talk to your daughter about pregnancy, illnesses and changes in her attitude towards herself).

How can you help

Even if she doesn't always want or ask for it, your daughter will need your support. She may move away from you from time to time. Do not worry. This is fine. Be there when she wants to talk. Hang up the phone, stop what you're doing and listen quietly. Try to understand her point of view. Then tell her what you think. Don't laugh or make fun of what she says. Offer words of encouragement or encouragement. Do this as often as you can.

Here are some more ways to support your daughter:

  • Help your daughter start planning for the future.
  • Encourage her to participate in family decisions.
  • Show interest in friends, school and activities.
  • Set restrictions on the use of phones, devices and social networks. Talk about what happens if the rules are broken.
  • Teach your daughter to say no. Make sure she knows what to do if she is offered drugs or forced into sex. Let her know you're a phone call or text away if she wants to leave a party or other gathering; if she feels uncomfortable, she doesn't have to stay.
  • Encourage her to volunteer and take care of others.
  • Respect her privacy.

Help your daughter stay healthy

The 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 rule is a good rule to follow. Every day she should consume: five servings of fruits/vegetables, four glasses of water, three servings of dairy products, 2 hours of screen time and 1 hour of physical activity.

Pay attention to the warning signs of suicide. Take action if your daughter:

  • Talks about suicide or death
  • Talks about not being around in the future
  • Gives away things she loves
  • Has tried suicide before

If you think she might attempt suicide, don't leave your daughter alone. Get help immediately.

Your 15 years is both a blessing and a test. Be there for her and help her at this important time in her life and yours. 

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