Your daughter at 13

Your daughter at 13

Your daughter at 13

As your daughter enters adolescence, there will be many changes, both physical and emotional, for her. Here's an overview of where your 13 year old is at and what you can do to help.


If your daughter prefers texting over talking, don't be surprised. Girls entering adolescence may be less social, at least with you. But she will tell you her opinion.

At 13, girls understand better what to say in certain situations. They also begin to focus on body language and tone of voice rather than just what is being said.

How can you help:

  • Look for good moments to talk. Chat while you're in the car or cooking together in the kitchen.
  • Find new ways to attract her out. Instead of asking, "How was your day?" " tell me something about yourself. You can also invite her to tell you something bad, funny, or weird that just happened to her.
  • Don't forget to listen. When your girlfriend is ready to open up, be ready to stop what you're doing and give her your full attention.

Physical development

At the age of 13, many girls go through puberty. A huge shift in hormones results in fuller breasts, wider hips and pubic hair. Your daughter's skin and hair will begin to produce more sebum, and her height, weight, and body fat will increase. Most girls also start menstruating.

Because of all these body changes, your daughter may become embarrassed about her appearance or the clothes she wears.

How can you help:

  • Encourage your daughter to be active. She doesn't have to play a team sport. Walking the dog, helping out in the yard, or playing laser tag with friends also counts.
  • Eat meals as a family. This will help her make healthy food choices.
  • Limiting screen time. Girls this age should spend no more than 2 hours a day in front of a screen.
  • Be a good role model. If you often say you're fat or complain about how you look, your daughter may start doing the same. Teach her that being strong and fit is more important than being a certain size.


Fitting has never been more important to your daughter than it is today. Because of this, she is more likely to spend more time with her friends.

While girls develop a strong sense of right and wrong at this age, peer pressure can still be a problem. Usually 13 year olds want to test their limits by trying risky behaviors. That's why, no matter how big your daughter is, she still needs support and guidance.

How can you help:

  • Offer support. If your daughter knows she can talk openly and honestly with you, she is more likely to come to you with problems.
  • Stay on top of social networks. Make sure you know what sites your daughter uses and that you approve of them.
  • Make sure she knows about the risks of drug use. The need to feel grown up or adjust to life can lead girls to drink, smoke or try drugs. Talk to your daughter about the dangers of this.
  • Talk about sex. Your daughter needs to have the right information so she can make the right choice. As well as sharing your values ​​about sex, be sure to talk about safe sex and sexual abuse.


Although she is becoming more and more independent, your daughter probably has mixed feelings about "breaking up" with you. Don't be surprised if one minute she wants to talk to you, and the next she becomes rude or angry.

Girls of this age also often oscillate between feeling good and self-doubt. The good news is that at this age, most girls are able to put their feelings into words.

How can you help:

  • Keep her included and involved. Your daughter should be involved in family decisions, activities and events. Your continued support means a lot to her, even if she doesn't show it.
  • Reassure her. Remind your daughter that the changes she is going through are an integral part of her growth. She should not be ashamed or embarrassed.
  • Help her earn her own money. At 13, your daughter can babysit dogs or walk dogs for a neighbor. Working for her own money will give her some of the freedom she dreams of and teach her to be more responsible.


Girls at this age acquire a lot of knowledge by reading, writing and observing others. Many also begin to show an increased interest in a particular topic.

Your daughter is also becoming a deeper thinker, able to understand concepts and not just specific things. She is also able to think things through and see things from other people's point of view.

How can you help:

  • Stay informed. Attend teacher conferences and open houses at her school to learn about her work.
  • Make a homework schedule. Set start time every night. Make sure she has a quiet, well-lit area in your home so she can do her job. If she needs help, let her know that she can come to you.
  • Help keep track of her time. Being organized is a huge skill that your daughter probably has yet to master. Help her find ways to stay up to date on homework and class projects.
  • Know the signs of a learning disability. These include reluctance to write or read aloud, difficulty solving word problems, and slow memory of facts. If you see them for a long period of time, talk to your daughter's teacher. 

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