Your baby boy's circumcision

Your baby boy's circumcision

Your baby boy's circumcision

One of the first questions your pediatrician may ask you after your son is born is whether you plan to circumcise him. This is a relatively common operation in which the child's foreskin is removed. If the baby needs surgery, it is usually performed before leaving the hospital, 2 to 3 days after birth. If you're thinking about it, here's what you need to know.

What it is?

The foreskin of the penis covers the glans or head of the penis. By cutting it, the surgeon exposes the tip of the penis.

The practice of circumcision dates back to Ancient Egypt. It was believed that this helps men keep the area clean. While this is true, today circumcision is done mostly for religious or cultural reasons.

Preparing for circumcision

If you want your child to be circumcised, talk to the doctor who will perform the procedure. This could be a pediatrician, family doctor, urologist, neonatologist, or even a pediatric surgeon.

While most babies can be circumcised within 2 days of birth, you may need to wait if your baby was born premature, was born with penile problems, or has bleeding problems, or if their family had a history of this.

Your doctor will explain the risks and benefits of surgery to you. This is your chance to ask any questions you have about the procedure. Once you are satisfied, you will sign an informed consent form authorizing the operation.

What happens during a circumcision

If the procedure is performed when your son is a newborn, he will be conscious during the circumcision. Most likely, this will happen in the hospital. They are laid on their backs with Velcro straps or other devices that are used to keep their arms and legs still.

The doctor will clean the area of ​​the penis with an antiseptic, then inject an anesthetic into the base of the penis to relieve pain. Doctors sometimes use a pain reliever cream instead. Your doctor will also recommend swaddling them after the procedure by wrapping them tightly in a blanket or letting them suck on a pacifier soaked in sugar water. Your child may also be given acetaminophen for pain.

Three different types of clips or plastic rings are used for circumcision. But the procedure is the same for everyone. A clamp or ring is attached to the penis and the doctor cuts off the excess foreskin. The ring remains and will fall off later. The doctor then applies an ointment similar to petroleum jelly to the penis and wraps it in gauze. This usually ends in about 10 minutes. If this is done in the hospital, your child should be ready to go home in a few hours.

What to expect after

After circumcision, your child may be fussy and irritable. Hold them carefully so as not to put pressure on the penis. The tip may be painful and the penis itself may look red and swollen. You may also see a yellow crust at the tip. This is normal and should go away on its own within a few days. It will take a week to 10 days for your son's penis to fully heal.

You can wash your penis while it heals. You should change the bandage at every diaper change, after applying a drop of petroleum jelly so that it does not stick to the diaper. Approximately 48 hours after the procedure, the bandage is usually not worn after it has come off. However, a lubricant should always be used to keep the penis from sticking to the diaper. If stool gets on your penis, gently wipe it off with warm soapy water. To avoid infection, change her diaper frequently and keep her loose.

When to call your doctor

In most cases, children recover from circumcision without any problems. Only about 1% have complications. Contact your doctor if:

  • Your baby doesn’t pee within 12 hours of the circumcision.
  • You see blood on their diaper larger than the size of a quarter.
  • Redness or swelling around their penis gets worse, not better.
  • You see signs of infection, like pus.
  • Foul smelling, cloudy drainage comes from the tip of their penis.
  • The plastic ring used during circumcision hasn’t fallen off after 2 weeks. 

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