


Withdrawal involves removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculation. It works by asking the male partner to pull out his penis before ejaculating. Ejaculation occurs outside the vagina, which reduces the chance of sperm entering the uterus.

How do you use withdrawals?

The responsibility lies with the man. He pays attention to stimulation and tends to withdraw his penis before ejaculation.

What is its effectiveness?

Typical withdrawal use, as most people use it, has a failure rate of around 18-19%. You must take a pregnancy test if you have symptoms of pregnancy.

What are the side effects or health risks of withdrawal?

Apart from transmitting sexually transmitted diseases, it has no side effects or health risks as a contraceptive method.

Is it reversible?

Yes. It does not affect male or female reproductive function. It is possible to get pregnant immediately if withdrawal is no longer used.

What about withdrawal and sexually transmitted diseases?

This does not prevent contact between the vagina and the partner's skin. In addition, due to the discharge before ejaculation, removal does not prevent the vagina from coming into contact with body fluids. Thus, it should NOT be considered as a protection against the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of withdrawal as an effective contraceptive method?

The pros:

  • Withdrawal can be used every time
  • Withdrawal may be added to other forms of birth control to increase the effectiveness
  • Withdrawal is free
  • Withdrawal does not require a prescription or manipulation of some mechanism

The cons:

  • Withdrawal is not considered the most reliable form of birth control
  • The woman must have complete trust in the man’s ability to withdraw
  • Pre-ejaculation, which may contain sperm, occurs without the knowledge of the man
  • Some men have difficulty timing their withdrawal 

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