Why am I not producing enough breast milk?

Why am I not producing enough breast milk?

Why am I not producing enough breast milk?

Many women who choose to breastfeed find it difficult to get enough milk. Production problems are one of the most frequently cited reasons why breastfeeding mothers do not adhere to the recommended six-month breastfeeding period.

Understanding the common causes of low breast milk production can help you know if there are ways to increase your milk production as you work with your doctor to develop the best feeding plan for your baby.

Common causes of not enough breast milk

Milk production problems often occur when mothers start breastfeeding, but they can also occur after several months of successful breastfeeding. Common causes of insufficient milk supply include:

Infrequent breastfeeding or pumping. The production of breast milk is largely dependent on supply and demand. As babies breastfeed more often, production increases so mothers can produce more milk. Similarly, supply may decrease when feeding sessions are discontinued. Mothers may also experience a decrease in milk production when they return to work, especially if they are unable to express milk regularly throughout the day.

Supplementation. Feeding a newborn formula while breastfeeding is sometimes necessary for his health, but can interfere with milk production. Breastfeeding mothers may find that their babies do not empty their breasts often enough to maintain an adequate supply of milk.

Planned feedings. Breastfeeding on demand can be uncomfortable, but over-planning can limit milk production. Production increases rapidly when breasts are emptied regularly, but scheduled feedings can be too far apart for this to happen. Similarly, breastfeeding sessions that end too soon can interfere with milk production.

Stress. The relationship between stress and breastfeeding is complex. Adrenaline released during times of intense emotion can limit the production of oxytocin, a hormone that a breastfeeding mother needs to successfully relax.

Dehydration. Remembering to drink enough water or making time to prepare healthy low-sodium meals can be tricky. However, without proper hydration, milk production can quickly decline.

Weight loss. On average, new mothers lose more weight while breastfeeding, depending on the individual. Some people find it easier to maintain their desired amount of breast milk if they gain 2.5-5 kg ​​more than their pre-pregnancy weight.

Rapid weight loss is likely to affect supply, so it's best to stick to a slow, steady rate of losing 1kg per month. Once exercise is allowed, moderate physical activity can speed up weight loss without affecting stores.

Obesity. Women who were obese before pregnancy are more likely to struggle with a lack of milk. Research suggests that insulin resistance may be to blame.

Problems with glucose tolerance can negatively affect several stages of lactation, including breast development in early pregnancy and late onset of lactogenesis.

Hormonal contraceptives. While most hormonal contraceptives are safe to use while breastfeeding, they can cause a sudden drop in production. The estrogen in these birth control pills can interfere with milk production and even cause premature cessation of breastfeeding.

Cold medicine. Some medicines can interfere with breast milk production. Decongestants such as pseudoephedrine, for example, can adversely affect milk production in mothers in the later stages of breastfeeding.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) often have trouble conceiving and carrying a pregnancy. In addition, this condition can cause problems with breastfeeding.

Although polycystic ovary syndrome can lead to limited milk production in the early stages of breastfeeding, the problem often resolves with time. Studies show that after three months, the frequency of breastfeeding is the same in women with and without polycystic ovary syndrome.

What to do if you don't have enough breast milk

Before taking any steps to try and increase breast milk production, talk to your doctor. A lack of milk can be difficult to diagnose on your own, and your doctor can help you find out if you need to take steps to increase it. Some common approaches include:

  • Relaxation techniques. Massage and meditation can help, as can body contact and even warm compresses.
  • Drink more water. Breastfeeding mothers need to increase their water intake, both because of the baby's fluid intake and the increased calorie intake.
  • Changing your contraception. The main contraceptive options for maintaining breast milk supply include non-hormonal intrauterine devices or barrier methods.
  • Feeding and pumping often. Feed newborns very often, up to 8-12 times a day for the first few weeks. If you miss a session, pump to ensure continued production.
  • Getting support. Reducing stress and mitigating other factors that affect milk production may mean getting more help from family members or therapy for mothers struggling with postpartum depression.

If your doctor agrees that your output is low, you may need to take supplements. But because formula supplementation can be both a cause and a solution to not getting enough breast milk, talk to a lactation consultant or doctor to determine what's best for you and your baby. 

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