When does a baby start walking?

When does a baby start walking?

When does a baby start walking?

Learning to walk can be one of the most exciting and memorable periods of fatherhood. From an early age, your little one strengthens his muscles and slowly prepares for his first steps. Usually between 6 and 13 months your baby will start crawling. Between 9 and 12 months they will recover. And between 8 and 18 months they will walk for the first time.

How children develop walking skills

Your child will develop a variety of skills, including balance, coordination, standing and shifting body weight. Each new skill will build on the previous skills, making them better prepared to start walking.

Watching your child take their first steps on their own is an experience you will never forget. When your child starts walking, it happens in stages, including these important steps:

  • 6 months. Babies start to sit up on their own.
  • 6-9 months. Babies start crawling.
  • 9 months. Babies begin to pull themselves up on furniture like the couch or coffee table, so they can stand.
  • 9-12 months. Babies may start to stand up, hold onto furniture and explore the room.
  • 11-13 months. During this exciting time, you can expect to see your baby start to walk on their own.

Keep in mind that all children are different and may start walking earlier or later than is considered normal. There can be many differences in the development of children, and this is completely normal.

If your child is 18 months or older and has not yet begun to walk, or if you are concerned about his development, contact your pediatrician. Watch out for these warning signs of late walkers:

  • Your baby doesn't roll over in either direction or sit with help
  • Your baby doesn't support some weight on legs
  • Your baby doesn't try to attract your attention through their actions
  • Your baby doesn’t try to talk or babble
  • Your baby shows no interest in games of peekaboo

Ways to help your child start walking

To help your child start walking, you can try the following tips:

  • Play together. When you are close to your child, you can help him feel safer while playing. Thus, they are more comfortable exploring and have more confidence.
  • Encourage moving. Moving around helps your child build muscle, which will help when he starts walking and eventually running. You can do this by kneeling in front of your child, extending your arms and encouraging him to come to you.

When toddlers start walking, it's normal for them to pick up a few spills, it's just part of the learning curve. While you can't save your child from every fall, you can reduce the risk of injury.

You can help them by “protecting” your home from children, making their space as safe as possible:

  • Put locks on doors and cabinets to help keep your baby away from unsafe items like chemicals
  • Pad sharp corners of furniture
  • Install a child-proof gate to prevent your baby from going down the stairs
  • Keep items like pots and pans on the back of your stovetop

Children's goods for walking

  • Baby walkers. Medical professionals do not recommend the use of baby walkers. Since walkers allow your child to move easily, your child's leg muscles may not develop properly. In addition, when a child is in a walker, it may be easier for the child to reach things that he or she would normally not be able to reach, such as hot objects or poisons, which can be dangerous. This makes trotters even less safe.
  • Baby shoes. Stop buying children's shoes immediately. Walking barefoot helps your child develop balance and coordination. Wait until they start going outside regularly until you introduce them to baby shoes.

 What's the next step after your child starts walking?

Your child's first steps are just the beginning of an exciting new phase in their life. Here's what else you can expect when they're toddlers:

  • 14 months: At this age, your baby will most likely be able to stand on their own, squat, pull up, and maybe even walk backwards.
  • 15 months: Your baby will walk pretty well and will probably enjoy pulling and pushing toys and exploring new things.
  • 16 months: Your baby will begin to show interest in going up and down stairs, although he will probably still look to you for help with this.
  • 18 months: At 18 months, your baby will probably be able to walk and want to get around on their own. They will probably enjoy climbing furniture and dancing to the music.

As your child gains more confidence and independence, this opens up many new possibilities. This is an exciting time, so be sure to use it to your advantage. 

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