What is caput succedaneum?

What is caput succedaneum?

What is caput succedaneum?

Caput succedaneum is a condition in which your baby's scalp swells shortly after birth. This is a type of edema or accumulation of fluid right under the skin.

Caput succedaneum may sound alarming. However, this is usually not dangerous and goes away on its own.

Here is everything you need to know about how and how caput succedaneum affects your child's health.

Causes of caput succedaneum

Caput succedaneum results from a buildup of bodily fluid between the baby's scalp and the protective membrane that covers the bones of the skull. This sheath is called the periosteum.

Labor. Your child is fragile. It doesn't take long for them to hurt themselves. Caput succedaneum occurs when your child's head shrinks or stretches. Most often this happens during the labor process.

The birth process puts a lot of pressure on your baby. Even when dilated for delivery, the cervix and vaginal canal still compress the baby. This can lead to swelling after birth. Labor and childbirth that take a long time or require the use of forceps or vacuum suction can increase the risk of edema.

Not enough amniotic fluid. Your baby's scalp may be more likely to swell if the amniotic sac ruptures early in life.

Similarly, if the baby is in the amniotic sac with insufficient fluid, it can be damaged by the mother's pelvic bones while still in the womb. This can cause headaches before the baby is born.

Effects of caput succedaneum on your child's health

Puffiness. Most cases of scalp swelling are not dangerous. You will notice some symptoms, including:

  • Puffiness under your baby’s scalp, with most of the puffiness on the part of their head that came out of the birth canal first or limited to one side
  • Their head is soft to the touch, to the point where you may leave a small dent
  • ‌Mild bruising around the puffy area, but mostly normal skin
  • ‌A slightly pointed shape to your baby’s head

All of these symptoms are temporary. They should be gone within a week.

Your baby's skull is delicate yet strong. The bones are just starting to fuse. This is why their skull usually reverts to a rounded shape without any other effect.

Jaundice. Some children with an adrenal head may be more likely to experience infantile jaundice. This is a condition in which your baby's skin appears yellow. This is due to excessive amounts of an orange-yellow pigment called bilirubin in their blood.

Your baby's body will quickly break down and recycle the fluid that is causing it to swell. This means that they can produce bilirubin faster than they can excrete it through urine and stool. The bilirubin then becomes visible under their skin. This is what makes them yellow.

In most cases, this condition also resolves without further treatment within 2 to 3 weeks. However, if you have any concerns, always talk to your child's doctor. Some cases of childhood jaundice require treatment to prevent further problems.

Caput succedaneum against cephalohematoma

Caput succedaneum isn't the only condition that can cause your child to get a bump on their head. A cephalohematoma occurs when bodily fluids accumulate between the periosteum and the bones of the skull rather than between the periosteum and the skin. This can also lead to a bump, but this is a more serious health hazard. Unlike caput succedaneum, it involves significant bruising and may not go away on its own.

Cephalhematoma usually forms slowly. It may not appear until a few days after the baby is born. Unlike caput succedaneum, it forms a hard bump that does not protrude when touched. It will most likely only happen on one side of the head. The resulting bump is often much brighter than the trauma of the postpartum head.

Always tell your doctor if your child develops swelling after you return from the hospital or if they have a significant bruise on their head. Some cases of cephalohematoma may indicate that your baby had a skull fracture at birth. This needs to be addressed as soon as possible to protect their brains.

When to go to the doctor

Your child's health is important. Whenever you have questions about their health or if something is wrong, prevention is always better than cure. Your child's doctor will usually be able to quickly diagnose if they have a hereditary head, a cephalohematoma, or another problem.

Most causes of edema are easily treatable or go away on their own. Talking to your doctor about any issues will help you be sure that your child is healthy. 

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