What are newborn reflexes?

What are newborn reflexes?

What are newborn reflexes?

When babies are born, they develop natural reflexes that serve as protection and help them develop outside the womb. You may have noticed a few funny phenomena in your newborn, and these are probably reflexes.

Understanding newborn reflexes

Your baby is born helpless and is completely dependent on you to care for him. Completely new sounds, images and sensations. You may notice that your child wants to suck on their hands all the time or seems tense. Both of these reflexes are newborn reflexes and will continue until children have mastered their reactions.

Newborn reflexes are instinctive, which means your baby has no control over how their body reacts. Common reflexes include:

  • Sucking. Your baby may make popping sounds and hold his hand in front of his mouth to suckle. This helps the baby suckle at the breast or bottle.
  • Grasping - Try to touch your finger to the child's palm. Chances are their fingers will close tightly around yours when you do this.
  • Startling - Sudden noise or movement can startle your child. You will notice that they tense up and abruptly throw their arms and legs out of the body.

The impact of newborn reflexes on your baby's health

Every newborn reflex has a purpose. Remember that newborn reflexes gradually fade as your baby develops more mature motor skills and control.

  • Sucking reflex. After a sufficient number of breast or bottle offerings, the sucking reflex is replaced by a deliberate action. If your child is not hungry, he may turn away in refusal.
  • Moro reflex. This reflex is also called the startle reflex. If your baby suddenly changes position or is frightened by something, he will stretch his limbs and quickly bring his arms together. This reflex allows the baby to protect himself from potential danger. You may not see much benefit from the reflex, but it is instinctive. Lasts the first two months of life.
  • Tonic neck reflex. Sometimes you may see your child turn their head to one side while extending their opposite arm. This reflex is another defensive tactic. This continues until your baby is five to seven months old. Your baby may appear to be stretching, so if you're not careful, you may not notice this newborn reflex.
  • Grasp reflex. When your child grabs your finger, your heart melts. While this is very sweet, it is not a conscious response. Instead, it is a defensive instinct to cling to something if it is in the hand. You can feel an impressive grip that seems to be beyond their age range. This newborn reflex lasts until your baby is five to seven months old.
  • Stepping reflex. Your child may not be able to walk yet, but that won't stop them from trying! Gently take the child under the arms and place his feet on the floor or flat surface. You will see their legs move up and down as they walk. It's cute, but your child isn't doing it on purpose.

Instinct tells the baby that this movement will take him where he wants to go. Keep in mind that your child can't hold his weight yet, so don't put too much pressure on his legs. This reflex of the newborn disappears when the baby is about two months old.

How newborn reflexes help your baby

  • A brain break. The reactions are instinctive, which means that your baby cannot control these newborn reflexes. The purpose of these reflexes is to give your child's brain a break from controlling their movements. Their brains and bodies grow at an exponential rate, which consumes all their energy. As your child develops, these reflexes will be replaced by conscious and determined action.
  • Survival. Your child cannot think, "I'm hungry and I need to suckle milk to feed myself." Reflexes such as sucking help ensure survival. Every time something touches your baby's face, he will turn to the object and start sucking. Without this reflex, your baby may not understand what it means when offered breast or bottle milk.

What to look for with reflexes in newborns

Other health problems can mimic the reflexes of newborns. For example, clenched fists. Sometimes your child clenches his fists because of hunger. Clenched fists are also a sign of cerebral palsy. You can tell the difference by looking for additional signs of cerebral palsy, including:

  • Weak muscles
  • Poor muscle control
  • Slow reflexes
  • Stiff legs and arms

Cerebral palsy is a disease that affects the part of the brain responsible for motor function. Depending on the severity of the condition, your child's ability for body movement, muscle control, posture, coordination, reflexes, and balance may be better or worse.

You also need to be careful if your baby's newborn reflexes return. Newborn reflexes should gradually fade over time as your baby grows and has better control of her body. If you notice that your baby's reactions are again reminiscent of newborns, talk to your doctor, as this could be a health issue. 

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