Walking delay and other foot and leg problems in babies

Walking delay and other foot and leg problems in babies

Walking delay and other foot and leg problems in babies

Most babies can stand up and take their first steps between the ages of 8 and 18 months. Shortly after their first birthday, they can usually take a few steps on their own, but before that they are already beginning to “navigate”—walking along the edge of a sofa or table, using furniture, or using their arms tensed to support each other. But what if your child has signs of delayed walking? And if you notice that your child is bow-legged or walks on tiptoe, should you be worried?

There are big differences in learning to walk from child to child. The timing of first steps can also vary among children of different ethnic backgrounds. A child can only walk three to four months after another child has started walking. This does not necessarily signal a problem or delay in walking. Both children are likely to be equally healthy and able to run and play as they get older.

Are baby's bowed legs a concern?

Bowlegs are often a concern for new parents, who may not realize that almost all babies are born with bowlegs. This external curvature of the bones of the lower leg usually resolves by 2 years of age. Toddlers usually sway from side to side rather than forward at first, which makes their crooked legs even more exaggerated. Crooked legs do not delay walking and do not affect the child's ability to learn to walk.

In some rare cases where leg curvature does not resolve naturally by age 2, your child's knees may be twisted outwards due to the curvature of the leg bones. This can cause knee problems. If bowed legs appears suddenly or persists after 2 years, contact your child's doctor.

In rare cases, bowed legs are a sign of rickets. This is a condition caused, among other things, by a lack of vitamin D and calcium in your child's diet, which hinders bone growth. Bowed legs can also be caused by a relatively rare condition called Blount's disease, which causes abnormal bone growth in the tibia or lower leg.

Are pigeon toes a problem for babies?

Many babies have a small dimple at birth, also called a pigeon toes. This usually takes place during preschool years.

Pigeon toes can be caused by problems with any of the three areas of the lower leg and foot. There may be a deviation of the foot, called metatarsal adduction. There may be problems with the head of the femur on the thigh. Finally, it may be due to problems with the tibia or lower leg bone - internal torsion of the tibia.

The adductor metatarsus seen in infants tends to disappear by the time the child begins to walk. This is a curvature of the foot itself, usually created by the position of the baby in the womb before birth, although other factors are possible. You can see metatarsal adduction if you look at the soles of your child's feet. They will curve towards each other like two crescents.

Doctors disagree about whether or not orthopedic insoles should be worn for a child with severe clubfoot. Some doctors advise wearing a corset or a cast if the feet are still severely deformed in a child between 4 and 6 months of age. The splint or cast is usually removed when the child begins to walk. Other doctors don't think that the corset helps align the toes or speeds up the development of the feet and legs towards more proper alignment.

If your child's knees point forward on entry, they may have medial tibial torsion, which is most common between the ages of one and three. This condition is caused by internal rotation of the tibia (lower leg). This usually goes away when the child learns to walk. If not, see your doctor for possible treatment.

If your child's knees tilt inward on entry, they may have a condition called excessive hip anteversion. This condition is caused by internal rotation of the femur (upper leg bone) and is often seen in children sitting with their lower legs behind them in a W shape. Again, it usually resolves on its own - usually around age 8. years.Usually on their own - usually at age 8 or so.

All of these conditions usually go away on their own, with little or no intervention. However, in all cases where the situation persists or worsens, you should consult with your child's doctor.

When a baby walks on tiptoe

Toe walking is common for most children when they take their first steps. Tiptoe walking should be gone by the time the child is 2-3 years old. Many children learn to tiptoe when they first learn to walk. Only later, after about 6-12 months of practice, will they learn to walk with a mature heel-to-toe gait.

In general, tiptoeing is not a problem. But if toe walking persists beyond age 2 or is persistent, seek advice from your child's doctor. Persistent walking on toes or on one leg may be a sign of a central nervous system problem and should be evaluated.

Can flat feet delay walking?

Almost all children are born with flat feet. It takes time for the natural arch of the foot to form. Flat feet rarely cause walking problems and often disappear by 2-3 years of age. Extremely flat feet can cause your child's ankles to bend inward as they walk. This occurs if the arches do not fully develop to align the foot and ankle. Treatment is rarely needed, except in the most severe cases, and is usually not considered until the child is past infancy. The tendency to flat feet can be inherited.

How serious is hip dysplasia in a baby?

During the first year of life, a condition called progressive hip dysplasia may appear. This condition causes the child's hips to grow in the wrong place due to weakened ligaments and joints. Hip dysplasia can lead to delayed walking or other gait problems. This is because hip dislocation can cause pain that gets worse with exercise. Developmental hip dysplasia is a general term for a range of problems with a child's hips. It can be found in about five out of every thousand newborns. However, only one in 1,000 has a dislocated hip. At birth, the hip joints and ligaments may initially be unstable on examination, but resolve most quickly within the first few weeks.

For unknown reasons, hip dysplasia is more common in older girls and in girls more often on the left than on the right. Your child's doctor will check for hip dysplasia at birth and at regular checkups thereafter.

If signs of hip dysplasia are found during the examination, they will be closely monitored. Signs include one leg that seems shorter than the other, uneven creases in your child's hips or buttocks compared to the other side, and overly tight thighs. The doctor will examine the hips to determine if the hip is dislocated or is returning to the joint. Don't worry, the exam runs smoothly and can be a little uncomfortable at worst. Hip dysplasia requires treatment, usually by a pediatric orthopedic specialist, who usually first evaluates the hips with an x-ray and/or ultrasound. Depending on the results, treatment can range from continuous monitoring to special hip splints/splints, manipulation of the hip joints under anesthesia, or surgery. Treatment also depends on the age of the child.

Development milestones for a walk

Within 6-10 months:

Most children straighten up to stand.

From 7 to 13 months:

Most babies will be happy to "roll" around furniture (as mentioned earlier).

Babies will be able to walk a little with the support of a parent (note: early walking should not be forced).

11 to 14 months:

Babies begin to walk on their own - at 14 months, most babies can walk on their own to some extent.

When to see a doctor for walking delay

Your child's legs, feet, and motor skills will be tested as part of a routine healthy child visit. But check with your child's doctor if you're concerned about walking delays. Use the steps above and the following guidelines to help you recognize severe developmental delays in your child.

Contact your child's doctor if:

  • Your child is not walking at 18 months
  • Your child only walks on tiptoes
  • You have other concerns about your child's feet and legs.

Any discrepancies in movement on one side of the body versus the other, or in favor of one leg, especially if they seem to be getting worse, should warrant a visit to the doctor. 

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