Types of infant formula

Types of infant formula

Types of infant formula

Babies depend on breast milk or formula for food during the first four to six months of life. Every child is different, so there are plenty of options for caring moms. Whatever type of formula you choose, it must be fortified with iron to provide your child with the recommended amount of this nutrient each day. Your baby is likely to be consuming 650 grams per day at one month of age.

Cow milk-based. Cow's milk formulas use heat-treated milk and other methods to make milk protein safe for infants to consume. Infant formula made from cow's milk is fortified with iron and the appropriate amount of lactose naturally found in breast milk. Milk fat is removed from cow's milk preparations and replaced with more easily digestible oils or fats.

Extensively hydrolyzed. A highly hydrolyzed formula is one in which the proteins are broken down into smaller components that are easier for the baby's digestive system to handle. This type of mixture is also called "pre-digested". Children with allergies or other medical conditions often benefit from a highly hydrolysed formula. Parents may seek guidance from their pediatrician if their infant's health problems prevent them from consuming other types of formula.

Soy. Soy infant formula contains a combination of proteins and carbohydrates that is different from that found in infant formula. Your doctor may recommend giving your baby soy-based infant formula if he or she is lactose intolerant. Babies who have problems with cow's milk formulas tend to be more tolerant of soy-based formulas.

Specialized formulas. Babies born with heart disease or other conditions may benefit from infant formulas designed specifically for their condition.

You can usually find the formula in the following forms:

 Powder. Dry mix is ​​usually supplied in a container with a spoon. You measure the right amount of formula into a bottle, add water, then shake until the powder dissolves and turns into a milky liquid.

Liquid concentrate. The liquid concentrate formula works in the same way as the powder formula. You measure the right amount of concentrate and water before mixing. The cost of a liquid concentrated mixture is generally higher than the cost of a powder mixture.

Ready-to-feed. Ready to use formula does not require measuring or mixing. You can find these formulas in containers of various sizes. They can usually be stored at room temperature and then refrigerated for up to 48 hours after opening. This convenience usually comes at a cost.

Tips for choosing infant formula

For any formula you buy, make sure it's not past the expiration date and the container isn't leaking and is otherwise in good condition.

Experts advise against giving homemade formula to children, as this can lead to health problems in the infant. Homemade formula may not have the right balance of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to support a baby.

You should also exercise caution when purchasing a foreign-made blend. While it may be tempting to buy a product from another country that promises all-natural or organic ingredients, there is no evidence that these products are better for babies. Illegally imported formula that was not delivered or stored under ideal conditions can harm your baby.

Mix the formula only with water from a safe water source. If you're worried about where the water comes from, boil the water for just 1 minute and then wait until it's at room temperature. To make sure the water isn't too hot for your baby, you can test a few drops on the inside of your wrist. After this process, the water should be safe for use in infant formula.

Most babies can start drinking fortified cow's milk at 12 months of age. Avoid giving babies under 12 months of age drinks meant for toddlers and instead continue to give them formula to make sure they meet all of their nutritional needs. 

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