Type 2 diabetes in children

Type 2 diabetes in children

Type 2 diabetes in children

A few years ago, it was rare to hear about a child with type 2 diabetes. Doctors thought that children only got type 1. For a long time, it was even called juvenile diabetes.

What is type 2 diabetes?

You've probably heard of diabetes and high blood sugar. That's what's happening. Your digestive system breaks down carbohydrates into a type of sugar called glucose. Your pancreas produces a hormone called insulin, which moves glucose from your blood into your cells, where it is used as fuel.

In type 2 diabetes, your child's body cells do not respond to insulin, and glucose builds up in his bloodstream. This is called insulin resistance. Eventually, the sugar levels in his body become unbearable. In the future, this may lead to other diseases such as heart disease, blindness, and kidney failure.

Who gets it?

Type 2 diabetes most commonly affects children who:

  • Girls
  • Overweight
  • Have a family history of diabetes
  • American Indian, African-American, Asian, or Hispanic/Latino
  • Have a problem called insulin resistance

Being overweight is the main cause of type 2 diabetes in children. Once a child becomes too heavy, they are twice as likely to develop diabetes.

One or more of these things may contribute to being overweight or obese:

  • Unhealthy eating
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Family members (alive or dead) who've been overweight
  • Rarely, a hormone problem or other medical condition

Like adults, type 2 diabetes is more likely to affect children who are overweight around the waist.

What are the symptoms?

At first, there may be no symptoms. Over time, you may notice:

  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Hungry or thirsty a lot, even after eating
  • Dry mouth
  • Peeing a lot
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred vision
  • Heavy breathing
  • Slow healing of sores or cuts
  • Itchy skin
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
  • Take your child to the doctor if you notice any of these symptoms.

How is it treated?

The first step is to take the child to the doctor. He can tell if she is overweight based on her age, weight, and height. He will check her blood sugar to see if she has diabetes or prediabetes. If she has diabetes, it may take a few more steps to find out if it's type 1 or type 2.

Until he's sure, he can give her insulin. Once he confirms that it is type 2 diabetes, he will ask you to help him change his lifestyle. He may suggest that she take a medicine called metformin. It and insulin are the only two blood sugar-lowering drugs approved for use in children under 18, but others are being studied.

Your child should have a hemoglobin A1c test every 3 months. This test measures his average blood sugar over that time.

She will need to check her blood sugar levels:

  • When she starts or changes treatment
  • If she doesn't meet her treatment goals
  • If she has to take insulin
  • If she takes a sulfonylurea drug

Your doctor will teach you how to measure your blood sugar and tell you how often. Most experts suggest three or more times a day if she is on insulin. If not, she may check less frequently, but should check after meals. She may use a traditional finger test or a continuous glucometer.

You can take her to a dietitian who can help you put together a meal plan.

She should also exercise for at least 60 minutes every day. Limit screen time at home to 2 hours a day.

Can you prevent it?

The same steps used to treat type 2 diabetes in children can also prevent it. Reduce calories, unhealthy fats, and sweets in your child's diet. Make sure she gets physical activity every day. Research shows that exercise has a significant impact on reducing insulin resistance. These are two important ways to help your child achieve and maintain a healthy weight and normal blood sugar levels.

Special concerns

It can be difficult for children, especially teenagers, to make changes to prevent or treat type 2 diabetes. Here are a few ways you can help:

  • Talk honestly with your child about their health and weight. Be one. Encourage her to talk about her problems.
  • Do not separate your child for special treatment. Your entire family can benefit from changes in your diet and activities.
  • Make changes slowly. Just as it took time for diabetes to develop, it will take time for health to improve.
  • Do more activities that your child enjoys. Reduce the time your family spends watching TV or playing video games.
  • If your child refuses to follow his plan, try to find out why. Teenagers, for example, face hormonal changes, lack of time, peer pressure and other things that seem more important to them than their health.
  • Set small, easily achievable goals. Schedule special rewards for your child when they reach each goal. Then move on to the next one.
  • Talk to a diabetes educator, doctor, dietitian, or other diabetes specialist to learn more about how to help your child become healthier.

By working together, you, your child, and their diabetes care team can be confident that they will stay healthy for years to come. 

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