Toddler nutrition

Toddler nutrition

Toddler nutrition

Month 14

Now that your little one has gone from breast milk to bananas, from formula to French toast, it can be hard to make sure he's continuing a healthy diet.

Remember that variety, not limitation, is the path to good nutrition. Forbid him to eat all sweet and junk food, and you will have a real battle.

Make the right choices most of the time, and you won't have to feel guilty if cookies or French fries end up in your child's diet from time to time.

Your baby's development this month

Your 14-month-old baby becomes a real talker! She uses a dozen words she knows, along with a few nonsensical words, to let you know she's hungry, sleepy, or wants to play.

  • By the end of this year, she will be able to say about 50 different words and a few two-word phrases.
  • Your child is also beginning to understand you. Don't be surprised if she responds when you ask her if she's hungry or ask for a hug.
  • Toddlers are still trying to express themselves properly. At this point, you may be the only person who understands your child's special way of speaking.
  • Don't worry too much if your son speaks slowly. Sometimes boys take longer to master language skills than girls. However, talk to his doctor if you think his development may be delayed.

Tips for the 14th month

  • Introduce your little one to a variety of fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods now while their tastes are still developing.
  • Each meal is a snack for baby. Don't worry about the mess - you're giving your child a valuable lesson in independence.
  • Always be ready. Don't travel anywhere without an assortment of healthy snacks like wheat crackers and oranges.
  • “You don’t have to speak shrill anymore, baby. Now she can understand you with a normal tone. Talk to him in simple, real words and short, light sentences.
  • To prevent colds and infections that many babies suffer from, wash your hands, your child's hands and his toys frequently.
  • Brush your baby's teeth twice a day using a dab of fluoride toothpaste on a soft toothbrush.
  • Babies should not be given medicines such as aspirin and decongestants. Talk to your doctor before trying any new over-the-counter medication. 

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