Tips for new dads

Tips for new dads

Tips for new dads

Are you the new dad? Here are some tips from real experts: other dads.

When things go wrong, take a break. There will be times when the world will conspire to drive dads crazy: when you're awake, the baby cries, the phone rings, the milk boils away, and your partner grumbles. Turn off the stove, go outside, and take as many deep breaths as necessary before engaging in combat again.

Make time with your family a priority. When you look back on the years of your life, you will not regret not working more hours. What you may regret is not spending more time with your children. Time spent playing on the floor or watching a sleeping baby is time well spent. Take advantage of this great excuse to hang out and "do nothing".

Play a lot. There is nothing better than having fun to relieve stress and build a trusting and good relationship with children.

Enjoy your child's mobility. Don't be afraid to take your child with you. They are easier to remove before they become mobile. Stimulation is good for kids, and babies are great adventure companions. In addition, you will also get a lot of attention.

Be very patient, supportive and communicative with your partner. Childbirth can be traumatic and hormones continue to fluctuate after childbirth. If ever there was a time to be understanding and available to the mother of your child, now is the time.

Try not to plan too many things for one day. With an involved child, everything takes longer.

If you have a medical question about your child, call your pediatrician, but don't panic. Babies are tougher than they look.

Talk to other new dads about your experience and theirs. Mother groups abound, and women love them. No need to call it a bunch of men, and no need to hug. Call it "party with the boys".

Take care of yourself. Watch your driving, diet and risks. Your child needs you for a long time. Being a healthy and happy father is one of the greatest gifts you can give your children.

Follow your instincts and intuition. Listen to the advice of others, read about parenting, consult experts, but consider yourself an authority on your child. No one will know your child as well as you and your partner. 

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