Talking to your kids about drugs

Talking to your kids about drugs

Talking to your kids about drugs

Today's children are exposed to many substances that were in use when you were little, including marijuana, and others that were not recognized as a way to get high, including household products such as aerosols and over-the-counter and prescription drugs. . in a first aid kit or in a drawer.

You can play a huge role in keeping them from being tempted by drugs. Talking to children is one of the most effective ways to make sure they don't use drugs. It doesn't have to be just a formal, sit-down conversation; in fact, discussing the dangers of drug use should be part of an ongoing dialogue if you want the message to stick.

Tips for talking to kids about drugs

It's never too early or too late to start talking about drugs with your kids. Here are 11 tips to help you get started:

  • Sneak it in whenever you can. Try talking to your kids about drugs before school, on the way to rehearsal or practice, or after dinner.
  • Start a quick conversation by talking about a recent drug or alcohol incident in your area or family. Or, if you and your child see a group of children drinking or smoking, take the opportunity to talk about the negative effects of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
  • Provide age-appropriate information. When your 6- or 7-year-old brushes his teeth, say, “There are many things we do to keep our bodies healthy, like brushing our teeth. But there are also things we shouldn't do because they harm our body, like smoking or taking medication when we're not sick." show or commercial, you might say something like, “Do you know what marijuana is? It's a bad drug that can harm your body."
  • Establish a clear, no-nonsense family position on drugs. “We are not allowed to use drugs, and the children in this family are not allowed to drink alcohol. The only time you can take drugs is when your doctor or mom or dad gives you medicine when you're sick. We did it. rules because we love you very much and we know that drugs can damage your body and make you very sick. Some may even kill you. You have questions ? »
  • Repeat the message. Answer the children's questions about drugs as often as they ask. Start talking about drugs with your children whenever possible.
  • Listen to your children. If you listen when they are talking, your children will feel more comfortable talking to you and are more likely not to use drugs.
  • Set a good example. Children often follow the example of their parents. If you pop open a beer after a hard day at the office, they are more likely to follow suit. Try offering non-alcoholic drinks to your guests in addition to wine and liquor. Do not take pills, even aspirin, indiscriminately.
  • Encourage choice. Give children the freedom to make their own choices where appropriate. As they become more adept at this, you will feel more confident in their ability to make sound drug decisions.
  • Provide children with weapons against peer pressure. Peer pressure plays a big role in a child's decision to use drugs or alcohol. Talk to them about what makes a good friend and what doesn't. Role-play how your child might refuse to go with their friends. Congratulate him if he finds good answers. Offer some suggestions if he doesn't.
  • Build self-esteem. Children who feel good are much less likely than other children to resort to illegal substances to get high. To boost self-esteem, give your kids chores they can do, praise them for their accomplishments, and spend quality time with them. And say "I love you" as much as you can.
  • If you suspect a problem, seek help. If your child becomes withdrawn, loses weight, starts to do poorly in school, becomes very cranky, has glassy eyes, has more than usual teenage difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, or if the medicines in your pharmacy seem to be disappearing . - Talk to your child immediately. 

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