Spotting developmental delays

Spotting developmental delays

Spotting developmental delays

3rd month, 3rd week

It's normal for parents to watch, be surprised, and perhaps a little worried about whether their child is achieving their goals.

All children have their own schedule, and most differences are normal. But you should consult your doctor if at the age of three or almost 4 months:

  • They cannot support their head well and cannot reach or grab objects.
  • They didn't start talking.
  • They meet eyes most of the time.
  • They don't participate in the social smile.

Your baby's development this week

As your four-month-old birthday approaches, your little one is building muscle at the speed of a bodybuilder! Now they have much more control over their bodies.

You can recognize their new strength because they:

  • Demonstrate very good head control, although they can still wobble if you move them sharply.
  • Begins to master rolling from stomach to back, but probably not yet able to roll from back to stomach.
  • Raise their head and chest while lying on their stomach, and even support their upper body by pushing with their arms.
  • They may reach for their toys, push them away, and even grab a rattle. 

You may be interested in:

  • How much should they eat. They should currently be getting 115-170 grams of formula per feeding. If they are breastfeeding, they should be fed for at least 2-3 hours if they are getting enough milk at the time of feeding. Your pediatrician will discuss the introduction of solid foods at your 4 month checkup, although you do not need to introduce her to your baby if you are exclusively breastfeeding.
  • How much they grow. Your baby is still in the rapid neonatal growth phase, growing by about 2.5 to 4 cm and gaining between 450 and 700 grams of weight per month.
  • What your child can see. At this age, your child begins to notice differences in texture and really loves bright colors.
  • Many parents wonder if drooling is a sign of teething, especially if the baby puts their hands to their mouth. This may be a sign that they are ready to eat solid food.

Month 3, week 3 tips

  • If your baby was born premature, adjust your expectations: a baby born at 30 weeks is more likely to reach milestones 8-10 weeks later than term babies born around the same time. At each checkup, your pediatrician will remind you of these adjustments and developmental goals.
  • Schedule your baby's checkup at 4 months. They will receive the same vaccines as during the two-month medical check-up.
  • Your baby cannot tell you if he is feeling unwell, so watch for signs such as sleeping more than usual, less vigilance when waking up, feeding less or not eating, unusually difficult and frequent crying.
  • The baby is growing! Stock up on diapers one size larger so you don't end up with diapers that are too tight.
  • If you are concerned about the cost of disposable diapers and their environmental impact, consider switching to cloth diapers.
  • Do you bathe your child every day? Until they start eating solid food and crawling, they don't need to. If it's now part of your nightly routine, you don't need to use soap every day. Otherwise, try 2-3 baths a week and keep them completely dry.
  • Be very careful and supervise your baby at all times when on the changing table, bed or any other surface above the floor. They love to practice riding, so keep them safe. Even looking away for a second, they can fall to the ground.
  • Also be careful when holding them while eating or drinking as they will begin to reach and grab.

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