Smoking while breastfeeding

Smoking while breastfeeding

Smoking while breastfeeding

When you are pregnant, everything you do has the potential to affect your baby. Take, for example, cigarettes or vaping devices such as e-cigarettes. If you smoke, you may have quit smoking during pregnancy. But what happens after the baby is born?

You can't smoke or vape around your baby, but nicotine and other harmful toxins can accumulate in the air, in your body, and in your breast milk. This is called passive exposure, and it puts your child at a higher risk of developing health problems such as ear infections, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Maternal smoking is even associated with impaired lung function and sudden infant death syndrome.

How smoking affects breast milk

Breastfeeding is the best thing you can do for your baby. Breast milk provides babies with antioxidants, digestive enzymes, live antibodies, and other essential nutrients. Breastfeeding calms babies and helps them fall asleep.

For breastfed babies:

  • Fewer colds and respiratory diseases
  • Stronger immune system
  • Fewer ear infections
  • Lower rates of sudden infant death syndrome
  • Less risk of developing digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation and gastroesophageal reflux

Postpartum smoking is a big problem. Nicotine has been shown to change the composition of your breast milk and may even reduce the amount your body produces.

The amount of nicotine in breast milk depends on how much you smoke. Some evidence suggests that the children of women who smoked five or more cigarettes a day had trouble sleeping and were more likely to cry or fuss for longer periods of time.

Risks of smoking while breastfeeding

If you smoke while breastfeeding, your baby may:

  • Develop chronic respiratory problems like asthma or allergies
  • Have trouble sleeping or sleep less
  • Catch common childhood illnesses more easily, like colds and ear infections
  • Struggle with digestive problems
  • Develop behavioral problems and cry more often
  • Have a higher risk of dying from sudden infant death syndrome

Nicotine doesn't just stay in the lungs. Smoke and chemicals from cigarettes or e-cigarettes get on your skin, hair, clothing, furniture, carpets, and walls in your home. This is called third-hand exposure.

What to do if you smoke

Doctors agree that the best way to protect your child from the effects of nicotine is to stop smoking. But even if you smoke, this does not mean that you should stop breastfeeding. Breast milk is always better, and breastfeeding usually outweighs the risks of nicotine exposure. Breast milk protects your baby from infections and provides him with nutrients not found in formula milk.

If you smoke, consider taking the following steps to protect your child:

  • Do not smoke near the child.
  • Keep cigarettes, pipes, cigars and vaping devices outside.
  • Create a smoke-free environment in your car and at home.
  • Change clothes and wash your hands after smoking.

If you or your partner smoke, do not sleep together or share a bed with a child. This may increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

Other Considerations

If you are breastfeeding and trying to quit smoking, talk to your doctor. They may offer in-person or telephone counseling or health resources such as smartphone apps, support groups in your area, and online programs designed to help you quit smoking. Pregnant women and new mothers who receive support from others are more likely to be able to quit smoking.

Nicotine replacement therapy is also an option. It's best to quit without medication, but if you're having trouble, there are solutions, such as nicotine patches or prescription pills, that can help. Talk to your doctor before using smoking cessation products. 

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