Smart sips for healthy kids

Smart sips for healthy kids

Smart sips for healthy kids

You know how important it is to fill children's plates with healthy food. But what you pour into their glasses also matters. If your kids drink a lot of sweets, it's time to rethink their drinks.

So what can you give them in return? The answer is simple.

“There are really only two things kids should be drinking: milk and water. »

Make a splash with H2O

The advantage of water is that it contains no calories and quenches thirst by helping the muscles and brain stay hydrated.

The amount children need each day depends on their age, whether they are a boy or a girl, the weather and their activity level.

As a general rule, here is the amount of water children should drink each day:

  • Toddlers: 2 to 4 cups
  • 4-8 years old: 5 cups
  • 9 -13 years old: 7 to 8 cups
  • 14 years and older: 8 to 11 cups

If your kids play sports or just run, they will need more. Give them two or three extra cups before and after the game. During breaks, ask them to take six to eight large sips.

If flat water doesn't keep your child's boat afloat, brighten it up. Add cucumber, mint, berries, ginger, or cherries.

Your children can also "eat" their water. Fruits and vegetables like watermelon and lettuce are also hydrating.

Milk their diets

Milk gives children calcium and other nutrients they need.

Children under 2 should drink whole milk unless they are overweight. But after that, switch to low-fat.

The goal for children ages 1 to 9 is 2 cups per day. Older children need 3 cups.

Your kids don't like milk? Try these ideas:

  • Make sipping fun for little ones by serving it in cute cups or with silly straws.
  • Sneak milk into tomato soup, oatmeal, and other foods.
  • Stir in a bit of chocolate or strawberry flavoring to spice up the taste.

To juice or not to juice?

Full of vitamins and nutrients, 100% fruit juice is sometimes good for kids, but you should limit the amount. Not more than 180 ml per day for children from 1 to 6 years old and not more than 350 ml for children over 7 years old.

Why Limit Juice? They are loaded with sugar. 240 ml of orange juice, for example, weighs 22 grams of sugar and 110 calories.

Avoid juice drinks as they only contain a small amount of real juice and even more sugar.

Drinks to avoid most of the time

Some of these that your child should have from time to time are:

  • You can drink sodas at the movies or at birthday parties. But don't make it normal. "It’s like having a lollipop with your meal."
  • Sports drinks are an easy way to replace minerals called electrolytes, fluids and sugars during or after long workouts like playing football when your child is running and sweating a lot. But "save those drinks for active game days, not for lunch bags and after-school snacks."
  • Energy drinks have no place in the diet of a child or teenager. They are loaded with caffeine and sugar, and the energy "shock" in some children can cause heart palpitations and stomach pain.

Rapid walking and plenty of water energize, clear the brain and improve concentration. 

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