Scoop about baby poop

 Scoop about baby poop

Scoop about baby poop

Week 4

If you feel like you're constantly changing diapers, you don't. By the end of this year, you will have changed 2,300 diapers.

So you won't be surprised when you open your baby's diaper, here's what to expect.

Breastfed children:

  • Make a yellow poop sprinkled with small seeds like mustard.
  • Poop one or more times a day, usually after meals

Formula-fed babies:

  • Have a tan, yellow or greenish stool
  • Poop once a day, sometimes more

What is normal:

  • Poop can be of different colors, from yellow, green or brown.
  • Some babies don't poop for a day or two. You have nothing to worry about as long as your child continues to eat and gain weight.

What is not normal:

  • A poop filled with mucus, water, or blood can be a sign of an allergy or infection.
  • Solid hard poop means your baby is probably constipated.

Your child's development this week

You have seen a real transformation in the last month. Your little one has grown from a tiny newborn to a more active child with a budding personality.

As they cross the 1 month milestone, here are some of the new things they can do:

  • Move their head from side to side while lying on their stomach
  • Turn their head to the sound of your voice
  • Coordinate their movements well enough to bring their hand to your mouth
  • Focus on the toy at a distance of 30 cm, although their eyes may still meet, and this is normal.
  • Recognize the smell of mother's milk

Week 4 Tips

  • If your baby is constipated, try mixing a teaspoon of prune juice with breast milk or formula.
  • Save the baby wipes for messy poop cleaning. A damp washcloth is enough to clean up after a wet diaper.
  • Your baby's neck muscles are getting stronger, but he still can't hold his head up by himself. Remember to support their neck whenever you wear them.
  • Do not hold the baby in your arms while you eat or drink something hot.
  • When your child seems sick, take his temperature with a rectal thermometer.
  • A rectal temperature of 38°C or higher is a sign that your child may be sick. Call your pediatrician immediately.
  • Your child's one-month birthday is the time to visit the doctor. During the appointment, the doctor will measure your baby, check his health, discuss vaccinations, ask how he ate and sleep, and advise on developmental goals.
  • You have been focused on your child for a month. Don't forget about your partner. Find a babysitter to spend time alone with your partner.

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