Questions about your newborn's first week

Questions about your newborn's first week

Questions about your newborn's first week

Bringing your baby home is exciting. No matter how well prepared you are, you are sure to be surprised when you discover your new baby and your new life.

As you begin this journey, get to know some of the basics of what can happen in your baby's first week of life.

How can I help my child bond with me?

Bonding with your child is one of the great joys of fatherhood, but it doesn't always happen right away. You adjust and your newborn gets used to the world. To start the linking process:

  • Spend time skin to skin. Hold your baby close to your breast while feeding or just hug. You can also gently pet or massage your baby.
  • Talk to your child. Coo, chat, sing and talk to her - she loves the sound of your voice.
  • Look your child in the eyes and smile. Over time, she will begin to imitate your facial expressions.

How long will my newborn sleep?

A lot, at first - up to 18-20 hours a day. But not all at once. At 6 months, many babies sleep 6 hours a night.

Use these tips to help your baby sleep:

  • When she gets restless at night, wait a minute or two to see if she calms down and goes back to sleep.
  • Be quiet during nighttime feedings or diaper changes. Try not to wake her up too much.
  • Be active and play during the day to keep him awake longer. Gradually, this will help him sleep more at night.

How often will my baby breastfeed or bottle, and how can I make sure he's getting enough?

She should eat every 2-3 hours if you are giving her formula, and every 1-2 hours if you are breastfeeding her. You can tell she is eating a lot when:

  • She actively sucks and swallows for 10-15 minutes at each breast or drinks 60-90 ml of formula at each feed.
  • She has six or more wet diapers and four or more diapers with poop every 24 hours after day 4.
  • After losing weight in the first week, she starts to gain it back in the second week. If you're concerned about his weight, check with your pediatrician.

How often should I bathe my newborn?

Three baths a week or less is more than enough. What's more, it can dry out your baby's skin. Just remember to wait until the umbilical cord falls out before bathing him.

How can I prevent diaper rash in my baby?

The main thing is to keep it as clean and dry as possible. That means frequent diaper changes so poop and urine don't irritate her butt.

Newborns have hypersensitive skin, so it must be cleaned carefully, but gently. Use warm water and a soft cloth or cotton swab and pat dry with a soft towel (do not rub or rub hard).

Baby wipes containing alcohol or fragrances can irritate sensitive skin, so it's best to avoid them for now. And don't keep the diaper too tight - it can irritate the skin.

How should I care for my baby's bellybutton?

Keep the cord stump and the skin around it clean and dry until the stump shrinks and falls off.

Give your baby a sponge bath and don't submerge the cord in water. Fold the diapers under the umbilical cord so that urine does not soak it.

Call the doctor if your baby cries when you touch the umbilical cord. She may have an infection. Redness at the base and fetid yellow fluid are also warning signs of infection.

How should I take care of my child's circumcision?

Your son's penis will be quite red for a few days. This should pass in about a week. If it gets worse, you see crusted sores with cloudy fluid, or you're worried, call your doctor.

Keep your son's penis clean, especially after a dirty diaper. Use only water or mild detergent and water as needed. Apply a little Vaseline to the tip so it doesn't stick to the diaper.

What else should I do?

Enjoy this time! As you get to know your baby, keep these basic safety tips in mind:

  • Always put the baby on its back.
  • Clear out his bed - no pillows, crib rails or wedges, toys, or soft bedding like a blanket.
  • Your child must sleep in your room, or vice versa. But do not sleep and doze off in the same bed.
  • Track doctor visits and vaccinations.
  • Breastfeed your baby if you can.
  • Keep her comfy. Don’t overdress her. You want to prevent overheating. 

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