Pincer grasp

Pincer grasp

Pincer grasp

Pincer grasp is the ability to hold something between the thumb and forefinger. This skill usually develops in children between the ages of 9 and 10 months.

The pincer grasp is an important step in developing fine motor skills. Children use the tongs to pick up objects and eat, and this sets the stage for a good pencil grasp when they go to school.

How does the pinch grasp develop?

Your baby may not develop a pinch grasp until the end of the first year of life, but there is significant development of fine motor skills before then. Login steps include:

  • Reflexive grasp. When your baby is a newborn, he will automatically grab whatever you put in his hand. This is called palmar reflexive grasp. It usually disappears around 6 months of age.
  • Crude palmar grasp. At about 4 months old, your baby will begin to use his or her palm to hold objects that you place in his hand. This is called a crude palmar grasp. They may also start looking for things.
  • Ulnar palmar grasp. Shortly after a crude palmar grasp, your child will develop an elbow grasp. This happens when they hold the object closer to the little finger of their hand. They will still use the palm and the thumb is not yet involved.
  • Raking grasp. When your baby is about 6 months old, he will start using the grapple to pick up objects. They use all fingers at the same time to grab an object.
  • Radial palmar grasp. This is the first time your baby will start using their thumb to grasp small objects. Their fingers will wrap around the object and their thumb will stabilize it to the side.
  • Scissor grasp. As your child's thumb dexterity increases, they will be able to grasp a small object, such as a raisin, between their thumb and curved index finger. This will happen when your baby is about 8 months old.
  • Radial digital grasp. When your baby is about 9 months old, he will be able to hold an object between his fingers and thumb. They won't need to use their palm to stabilize themselves.
  • Inferior pincer grasp. Before your child masters the advanced pincer grasp, he uses a lower pinch grasp. In this hold, your child holds a small object between thumb and forefinger using the pads. The object will be closer to the thumb.
  • Superior pincer grasp. By the time your baby is one year old, they will have a fully developed fine pincer grasp. They will be able to pick up small objects with the tips of their thumb and forefinger. They will also start using their finger to point to things that interest them.

Activities that encourage pinching

Certain activities and toys can help your child develop a tick grasp. The hand movements used during the game will help increase the strength and dexterity of the thumb and forefinger. Certain activities should be avoided or limited while your child is developing fine motor skills.

Age appropriate toys. Your child will naturally go through these developmental milestones. Most of their play at this age will be exploring the world around them with the help of their senses. Although you are their favorite playmate, you can gift them toys suitable for development, including:

  • A mirror for your baby to engage with their own reflection
  • Stacking rings for your baby to practice putting the rings on a small cone
  • A crib mobile to attract your baby's interest and develop their attention span
  • Push-pull toys to help your baby practice gross motor skills

Avoid technology. A 2017 study found that children who had the best pencil grasp in kindergarten had the least use of technology at home. They also participated in fine motor skills at home. Fine motor skills in kindergarten are associated with later academic success.

Experts recommend no screen time for children under 18 months, except for video calls. Children do not learn well on screens, no matter what marketers say. Babies need face-to-face communication in order to learn.

All children reach different milestones at different times, but if you're worried about your child's grasp or fine motor development, talk to your doctor. 

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