Natural remedies for teething

Natural remedies for teething

Natural remedies for teething

When your child is teething, they may feel a lot of pain and discomfort. They remain grumpy and do not sleep. The rest of the family can easily get tired of waking up the baby, and all you need to do is relieve the pain safely.

You may be looking for more natural ways to treat teething symptoms without giving your baby medication. What are your options?

What is teething?

Your baby may start to show the first signs of teething as early as 3 months of age. Most babies get their first tooth between 4 and 7 months of age. Teeth usually begin to appear in the lower middle of the mouth, then the upper middle, then the back of the mouth. In most children, all primary teeth erupt by the age of 3.

When teeth push through the gums, your child may become irritable due to pain and discomfort. You will notice that they drool a lot and want something to chew on. This takes pressure off the incoming teeth.

What are natural remedies for teething?

  • Cool Down. Anything cold will help numb the pain of teething babies. Wet a washcloth, tie it up, and freeze it for your child to hold. You can also refrigerate their pain relief lozenge as a natural pain reliever. Avoid gel-filled dental rings that you put in the freezer. They may be too hard for younger children and may break or leak.
  • If your child is starting to eat solid foods, place frozen fruit in a mesh feeder for him to chew on. This will give them a sweet treat in addition to relieving their discomfort. Be sure to thoroughly clean the mesh between each use.
  • Massage. Gently rubbing your child's gums can provide relief. Wash your hands first and then have them chew on your finger or knuckle. Apply pressure and rub in a circular motion to see if they like it.
  • Silicone teething jewelry. You can buy silicone, rubber, or plastic necklaces and bracelets designed for your child to chew on. Be aware that they present a choking and strangulation hazard. Always supervise your baby when using teething jewelry.
  • Amber teething jewelry. These teething necklaces are usually made from tiny Baltic amber beads strung together and fastened at the ends with a clasp. Proponents of this jewelry say Baltic amber has a soothing, pain-relieving effect on gums that swell and ache when teeth break through the skin.

Like silicone jewelry, your baby should always be supervised when chewing amber teething jewelry. If possible, choose a bracelet or anklet instead of a necklace to reduce the risk of choking.

Other tips for teething babies

  • Medicine. Teething discomfort can last for weeks, so medication is not a suitable solution for everyday discomfort. However, when your child is in severe pain and cannot be relieved, ask your doctor to give him a dose of acetaminophen. Be sure to follow dosage instructions and talk to your pediatrician before injecting any medication.
  • Numbing gels. Avoid gels or creams that have pain-relieving properties and contain benzocaine. This can reduce the amount of oxygen in the bloodstream, which is a dangerous condition for babies. You can find alternatives that use a different pain-relieving ingredient. Talk to your pediatrician before using anything new.

Here are some additional tips for managing your baby's teething pain:

  • Wipe your child's face and chin frequently to prevent a saliva rash.
  • Be aware of diaper rash, as increased saliva during teething can cause your baby's urine and stool to become more acidic.
  • Clean teething toys regularly to reduce the risk of germs infecting your baby.
  • Teething biscuits and cold or frozen foods should only be offered to children who are already eating solid foods. 

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