Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) in children

Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) in children

Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) in children

Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) is a type of epilepsy that begins in childhood or adolescence.

People suffering from it wake up with sharp and rapid movements of the arms and legs. This is called myoclonic twitches.

Even if you don't have epilepsy, you've probably had those tremors that wake you up, often when you're about to fall asleep. But people with JME usually have other types of seizures.

After the age of 30, seizures tend to decrease. And drugs can keep JME under control. But most patients will have to take the drug for the rest of their lives, even if they stop having seizures.


The first seizures usually begin between the ages of 5 and 16. People with JME have three different types:

  • Absence seizures are usually the first type of JME in children. During these episodes, he may appear to be daydreaming or wandering for approximately 10 seconds. Therefore, you may not even notice when they happen.
  • Myoclonic seizures—convulsive movements in one or both arms and legs—usually begin after 1–9 years, around age 14–15. Some children will only have erratic finger movements. Because of this, they can drop things and look awkward.
  • Tonic-clonic seizures usually start after a few months. During these seizures, the muscles of the whole body of the child become stiff and twitch rhythmically. He will lose consciousness and may fall to the ground. They usually last from 1 to 3 minutes.

Attacks often occur within 30 minutes to an hour after waking up in the morning or after sleep. A group of myoclonic jerks may be a warning sign of an impending tonic-clonic seizure.

About 1 in 6 people with JME have only myoclonic jerks and no other types of seizures.

What causes JME?

Doctors don't know exactly why some people develop JME. But it may be due to genes that are passed down in your family. About a third of people with this disorder have relatives with seizures.

However, it is clear that certain things tend to cause seizures. The most common triggers are lack of sleep and too much stress.

Alcohol consumption, which can lead to sleep deprivation and fatigue, is the strongest trigger for myoclonic seizures and tonic-clonic seizures.

In some people, flickering lights can also trigger seizures. This can happen while watching TV, playing video games, or outdoors with light flickering through trees, waves, or snow.

Some girls and women also have cramps during their periods.

Getting a diagnosis

Doctors diagnose JME using an electroencephalogram, a test that detects unusual patterns in brain waves. You will take the test while you are asleep and awake.

To perform the test, your medical team places electrodes on your head. They are wired to a computer that shows the electrical activity of your brain cells. The results look like a graph of peaks and wavy lines. Your doctor will scan them to look for patterns that signal JME.

Your doctor may also want to run imaging tests on your brain, such as magnetic resonance imaging and CT scans, to see if there is anything else that may be causing your seizures.


The first thing a doctor will recommend for treating JME is lifestyle changes to avoid seizure triggers. That means getting enough sleep, avoiding alcohol, and finding ways to deal with stress.

Most people with JME will also need one or more antiepileptic drugs. They can control seizures in 90% of people with this condition. These drugs include:

  • Valproic acid
  • Levetiracetam
  • Lamotrigine
  • Clonazepam
  • Topiramate

Valproic acid is the most effective drug for JME. But women should not take it when they are of childbearing age. They may try other medications to control seizures.

Most people with JME need lifelong antiepileptic medications, although they may decrease over time. 

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