Is it safe to reuse breast milk?

 Is it safe to reuse breast milk?

Is it safe to reuse breast milk?

Many mothers choose to breastfeed their babies after birth. They often express milk to provide other family members with bottles to feed their baby.

Can breast milk be reused after the bottle is made? This depends on when the breastmilk was expressed or expressed, and whether it has been refrigerated or not.

About expressed breast milk

Rules for storing breast milk. After expressing breast milk, there are guidelines for how long milk can be safely consumed. In general, breast milk is good for:

  • 4 hours when freshly squeezed
  • 4 days at the bottom of the refrigerator
  • 6 to 12 months in the freezer

Of course, take environmental and other factors into account when deciding whether to give your baby expressed breast milk that has been left at room temperature for an hour without refrigeration, or that has been refrigerated for several days before being frozen. If you think breast milk is bad, sniff it. As long as it doesn't have an unpleasant odor, a child can probably drink from it.

Keep in mind that breast milk fat breaks down over time. This creates a hardened layer at the top of the bottle. This is completely normal. This is not what you see in store-bought milk because that milk is pasteurized. Shake the bottles gently to mix the fat before feeding. Separation of fat from milk is not a sign that your breast milk has gone bad.

Recommendations on the offer of breast milk. Breast milk does not need to be warmed up to give to the baby. It can be offered cold or at room temperature. Your baby may prefer warm breast milk because the temperature of your breast milk is warmer. Try giving your baby bottles at room temperature first to see if it bothers him.

If your baby prefers warm milk, buy a bottle warmer instead of boiling water or a microwave oven to warm them up. Bottle warmers are safer. They are specially designed to heat baby milk and provide a more constant temperature.

Check the warmth of your baby's milk on the back of your hand before offering a bottle to your baby. If he's too hot on your wrist, it could burn his mouth.

Use breast milk within 24 hours of thawing it out of the freezer. After you take your breast milk out of the refrigerator and warm it up or let it warm up to room temperature, you should use it within 2 hours. It is not safe to reuse breast milk that has not been used for more than 2 hours. Throw it out if so. Breast milk should never be refrigerated or refrozen.

These recommendations are important. Bacteria can begin to multiply in breast milk if it is left there for too long. Babies are much more susceptible to the dangers posed by bacteria because their immune systems have not yet had time to develop the antibodies used to fight disease and infection.

Other Tips for Bottle Breastfeeding

Opportunity to make friends with your child. There is a misconception that you cannot bond with your baby if you offer bottles instead of breast milk. It is not true. Hold your baby close when giving bottles and make eye contact while feeding. Talking to them in a low voice is another way to enhance the meal experience.

Bottle feeding allows everyone in your family to bond with your baby. Encourage your father, siblings, and grandparents to hold and feed your baby bottled expressed breast milk.

Your baby will feel closer to every member of your family. This will ease the pain of your absence if and when you return to work.

Diapers. The poop of breastfed babies is usually yellow and unclean. It will be softer than if your baby was formula-fed. The formula creates darker and firmer stools. Some breastfed babies poop several times a day. It is not uncommon for a breastfed baby to walk for 7-10 days without a dirty diaper.

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