Is it safe to refrigerate the formula?

 Is it safe to refrigerate the formula?

Is it safe to refrigerate the formula?

The birth of a new child is associated with a completely new routine. This includes feeding the baby frequently. If you choose not to breastfeed and choose formula instead, there are a few things you need to know about preparing and storing formula.

Preparing and storing the formula

  • Water for formula bottles. Never use tap water to mix bottles unless you have sterilized it first. Tap water contains additives that may be harmful to babies. Using only bottled water to mix formula is the safest choice for your baby.
  • Remove the water from the heat source. Let it cool completely before mixing it into the formula. Too hot water can harm the baby. After you boil the water, use it or refrigerate it for an hour. If it has not been used for more than an hour, discard it and start with fresh water for the next bottles. Alternatively, you can buy purified water in jugs at your local grocery store.
  • Preparation of bottles. Each formula brand has instructions on how much formula to blend per ounce. Strictly follow this rule. Mixing too much water can fill up the baby without providing enough nutrients. Mixing too much formula can lead to dehydration or constipation.
  • Be sure to use a clean bottle for each feeding. To keep your baby healthy, wash bottles between uses with warm soapy water and sterilize as needed.
  • Storage of bottles. You can prepare bottles one by one depending on how often your baby is hungry. The formula will keep well in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours, which is why many parents choose to mix enough formula for the whole day. Think about how many ounces your child drinks per feed, then mix a jug of formula or separate bottles for each feed.

To avoid waste, do not mix more formula than your child will drink in 24 hours. Once the bottle is ready or removed from the feeding refrigerator, use the formula within an hour or throw it away. You cannot refrigerate the mixture after it has been heated or has reached room temperature.

The reason experts recommend throwing away unused formula is because bacteria can start to grow. Babies are much more susceptible to dangers from bacteria than adults. Their immune system has not yet had time to develop the antibodies used to fight diseases and infections.

Other considerations for artificial feeding

Bonding with Baby. There is a misconception that you will not be able to bond with your baby if you formula feed instead of breastfeeding. It is not true. Snuggle close to your baby when bottle feeding and share the love! Make eye contact and talk to your baby in a low voice while you feed him.

Breastfeeding gives you the opportunity to connect with your baby, while formula gives you the opportunity to connect with your entire family! Encourage your father, siblings, grandparents to hold and feed your child. This will help your child feel more comfortable with each member of your family. It will also make it easier for your child to transition from you if and when you return to work.

Offer bottles. Start feeding your baby cold or room temperature bottles instead of warm bottles. Your child will never notice the difference if you start this way. However, they may refuse cold bottles or room temperature bottles if you start with warm ones.

If your child prefers warm bottles, get a bottle warmer rather than boiling water or a microwave. Bottle warmers are safer because they are specially designed for bottles and provide a more consistent temperature.

Check the temperature of infant formula on the back of your hand before offering the bottle to your baby. If it's too hot on your wrist, it can burn your baby's mouth.

Diapers. The stool of a breastfed baby is very different from the stool of a formula-fed baby. Your artificial baby may have dark, smelly stools. This is nothing to worry about and is completely normal. Generally, your baby's diapers will be smellier and firmer than if your baby was breastfed.

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