How to use a nipple shield

How to use a nipple shield

How to use a nipple shield

The nipple shield is a piece of nipple-shaped silicone that fits over the mother's nipple. It is designed to help babies who may have difficulty learning to breastfeed. The silicone nipple fits snugly on the baby's palate, helping him suckle more efficiently. Holes at the end of the nipple allow milk to flow into the baby's mouth.

Nipple shields are designed as a short term solution to help teach your baby to latch on while breastfeeding so you can deal with latch on while you wait.

Where to get a nipple shield. You can purchase nipple shield from retail stores, your local hospital, or through private insurance.

Never buy a nipple shield that has already been used. This can expose you and your child to pollutants.

When to use a nipple shield. Nipple shields can be helpful in several situations, including:

  • If your baby has difficulty learning to breastfeed
  • If you have flat or inverted nipples
  • If your breasts are very soft
  • If your child sticks out his tongue or sticks his tongue out
  • If your baby was born prematurely
  • If your baby needs an extra prompt to start breastfeeding

Don't use the nipple shield until the milk comes in.

How to use a nipple shield. Read the instructions on the nipple shield. Typically, you will follow the following steps:

  1. Place the nipple shield in warm water to make it more flexible.
  2. Rub some breast milk into the nipple shield. This will help your baby latch onto the breast. This will also help tighten the seal and minimize friction.
  3. Stretch the edge of the nipple shield, taut the nipple as much as possible, and press the edges.
  4. There should be a small gap between the nipple and the tip of the nipple cap.
  5. Place the cut pieces in the correct places for your child's nose and chin.
  6. Point the nipple shield at the child and carefully place it in the mouth so that he clicks into place.

A lactation specialist can help you learn how to use nipple shield. If your nipples are sore, flat, or deformed from breastfeeding, tell your doctor.

How nipple shields can help with breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is a process that takes time and practice to master. If you're having trouble feeding your baby, there's no shame in asking for help. The most important thing is that your baby is fed, whether or not breastfeeding is going the way you expected. Nipple shield can be a great temporary solution.

Pros and Cons of Using a nipple shield

Nipple shields help mothers breastfeed, but have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits of using a nipple shield include:

  • Flat or inverted nipples. If you have flat or inverted nipples, your baby may have trouble latching on. Because the nipple shield is shaped like an elongated nipple, it gives the baby more surface area to latch on to.
  • Premature babies. Sometimes premature babies don't have the strength or skills to suckle on their own. Using a nipple shield creates suction and positions the nipple in a way that helps them. It also allows your child to pause and breathe without changing position. Once your child is strong, you can usually wean him off the nipple shield.

Disadvantages include:

  • Underlying issues. A nipple shield cannot fix underlying problems such as damaged nipples or not enough milk.
  • Learning. Even with a nipple shield, you and your baby will still need to learn how to breastfeed. It's okay if your child needs time to learn.
  • Pain. If your baby suckles at the breast, it can squeeze the nipple and cause pain and possibly damage to the mother.
  • Weaning off a nipple shield. Sometimes it can be difficult to wean a child off the nipple shield.

A lactation specialist can help you solve problems so you can find what's right for you and your baby.

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