How to talk to a teen

How to talk to a teen

How to talk to a teen

Fashion comes and goes. Technology innovates. New slang words are entering the scene. But one thing never changes when it comes to high school, a year after graduation: teen issues.

Today's children share the same fears about sex, drugs and alcohol that teenagers have for decades. They emphasize academic pressure and fight fears about their future. They worry that a good work ethic is not enough to fight the growing competition for college admissions. And they openly complain about the few adults who listen to them.

Please talk to your teens about sex. "Discussions about dating and sex are paramount." However, he notes how many parents are "too afraid to talk" about sex or may not have touched the subject since puberty, thinking they've covered the basics once, so why start over? How then do children learn about sex and pregnancy? From their peers, that's how it is. And while some children learn from the mistakes of others, many are influenced by the riskier decisions of their peers.

For example, most of the kids he knows think that oral sex is not sex. "If it's not sex, it's just big slaps in their eyes."

Show some respect. Let the children talk. Listen. Then weigh yourself. “It is very important to acknowledge the feelings of children and treat them as individuals.” “Even if I disagree with their position on any issue, respecting their right to speak allows for a deeper discussion. Only then do I ask questions and learn. If a child says, "I'm in love," I will ask, "What does that mean to you?" You learn a lot by listening to the answers."

Expect teens to take responsibility for their choices. "I like to play the part in certain situations." Whether it's drugs and alcohol, relationships, or academic pressure, I ask the teen to reflect on the choices they make. I ask: “What will happen next? How will people perceive you? What kind of respect will you earn? This is an opportunity to make them think."

Take college stress seriously. Academic pressure is not a childish thing. “The desire to get good grades and not know where to go to college” takes its toll. “Parents ask themselves: where can she go? as opposed to "Who is she and how does she learn best?" How can she flourish? " 

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