How to increase milk production

 How to increase milk production

How to increase milk production

Nurse, nurse and more nurse

The more your baby breastfeeds, the more milk your body produces. Don't follow a strict schedule. Breastfeed your baby whenever he is hungry and for as long as he wants to, especially during the first few weeks after you start feeding, and offer another breast when the first one is empty.

Do not worry

Many new moms think they don't have enough milk when they're actually fine. As long as your baby is conscious, active, and regularly fills and wets diapers, your supply is probably sufficient. Keep in mind that it may take several days for milk to arrive after delivery. During this time, your baby receives colostrum, which is the thick, nutrient-rich first step of breast milk.

Try to rest

Lack of sleep really harms milk production. If you can, take a "breastfeeding vacation." Cut down on external commitments and spend a few days doing as little as possible other than babysitting, resting, eating, and breastfeeding. (Of course, the first child is easier than the older children, who also need your attention.)

Taming Stress

While stress doesn't stop milk production, it can interfere with your flushing reflex (which releases milk into your milk ducts) and prevent your baby from getting what she needs. Take care of yourself so that you are the best for your child. Ask your partner, family or friends to help you with other things. Tell overnight guests to wait a few weeks before their visit so that you can breastfeed in peace and get your milk production back on track.

Get help

Look for other new breastfeeding moms and lean on each other. If your mom, friend, or grandmother breastfed, ask her what helped. If you feel vulnerable during the establishment of milk production, avoid people who condemn or do not support your breastfeeding or who prevent you from breastfeeding.

Avoid beer and other alcoholic drinks

You may have heard the claim that beer stimulates milk production, but in fact drinking alcohol reduces milk production. For example, one study found that after drinking one or two glasses of wine, women take longer to excrete the first drop of milk, and produce less milk overall.

Drink Plenty of Water

If you are dehydrated, you will produce less milk. Baby is easy to engage with and entertain, so keep a water bottle with you and store bottles where you usually breastfeed. Also try to eat foods that are high in water content, such as fruits and vegetables.

Feed yourself, feed the baby

If you are breastfeeding exclusively, to maintain milk production and maintain your health, you need to consume about 300-500 calories more per day than you needed to maintain your pre-pregnancy weight. The best diet for a breastfeeding woman is simply a normal, healthy, balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Wait to use the bottles

Bottle feeding is fine for the later period, but for the first few weeks after you have milk, your baby should suckle all the way, or at least as much as possible. Your baby will empty your breasts much better than a pump, so you will produce more milk in response to your baby's signals than a machine.

Herbal help?

Some believe that certain herbs have the effect of increasing milk production in many women. One of them is fenugreek, the seeds of which are often used in cooking. Another commonly used supplement is thistle. The study is not clear if any of these supplements actually increase milk production, but they are generally considered safe to take while breastfeeding. Avoid fenugreek during pregnancy as it can cause uterine contractions. Talk to your doctor before using any herbal supplement.

Foods and breast milk

You don't need to eat certain foods to produce more milk. Just eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, protein, and some fat. Some research shows that garlic, onion, and mint change the taste of breast milk, so your baby can breastfeed more, and you, in turn, produce more milk. If your child develops gas after eating broccoli, cabbage, or beans, avoid these foods.

If you are pumping

If you are pumping primarily or solely to feed your baby, most of the advice in this slideshow applies to you as well. Also, the flow of milk and milk production is caused by your baby, so try looking at a photo of your baby, listening to a recording of his voice, or smelling his blanket or bed when you start pumping.

Breast massage

Breast massage can help increase the volume and fat content of milk. When your baby "sucks comfortably" (calms down and calms down more than he drinks), massage the breast closer to the breast, then a little further to the nipple, and wait for the baby to take a few sips. Then massage another area of ​​the same breast and wait for new sips. Repeat.

Check your medications

Some medicines may affect breastfeeding. Commonly used medications that can decrease milk production include antihistamines and decongestants, diuretics, estrogen-containing hormonal contraceptives, and some weight loss medications. Check with your doctor about alternatives.

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